i received emails sayaing how excited they are to see my reception. They have a theory if my nikah is like then, that what is my reception like??
well let me tell you girls, the story behind my nikah first...
initially when me and habib planned it, it was suppose to be nikah on the 19th feb 2010, at this absolutely beautiful place, dewan masjid saidina omar bukt damansara. Same concept, where we nikah at the stage, while the guests will be seated at the tables, while watching us on the stage. To me that would have been the best arrangements, because even if i was menstruating (red flag) during the nikah its not going to be a problem, sbb the dewan is not part of the tpt solat, but i still get to nikah in a masjid. Tak ke senang macam tu?
this is sample picture of the dewan at masjid bukit damansara. Kerja kahwin did a beautiful decor here, i fell i love, i hired them to be one of my decorator, for one of the 4 events we are having in July 2010 nanti inshaAllah. p/s: dewan ni selesa sampai 250 orang.
And the reception was going to be at Dewan komuniti bukit damansara, the next day. Of course we book dewan ni dulu, baru decide tpt nikah. So May 2009, we paid full for the hall, sbb ada 2 org nak tarikh yg sama. Kalau i tak bayar full, then org lain tu akan ambil my hall..of course i did not want that to happen kan..
tapi dewan ni alhamdulilah price ok, RM 1600 sewa for 1 day.
so i figured since dah book dewan might as well i book everything else..so i pun bayar caterer utk 19hb and 20hb feb. Both caterer yg sama, Sajian D'hidang (oh food dioorg mmg sgt sedap).
dewan kat masjid utk nikah pun sudah book. so bulan ogos 2009, i pun buat my baju semua. Baju putih for nikah, and baju pink utk reception. Also we booked the photographer sekali.
But during the engagement dinner october 2009, atas sebab2 yg tidak dapat dihalang, at the end of the day kita merancang Allah swt yg menentukan, correct? We had a change of plans. There was a request of having our wedding in July instead.
Bincang2 with vendor, they cannot give us refund.... and we cannot move to july pulak because the hall is no longer available. alhamdulillah, masjid boleh cancel, sebab tak bayar lagi.
Nasib baik i took all the same vedor for 19th and 20th, so kiranya the extra deposit i paid semua pergi ke downpaymen/deposit for 20 hb feb,since i have canceled the event on the 19th feb.
But dewan komuniti if we cancel we loose all the payment that we have done, which is dewan, makeup artist, caterer, photographer. semua pun hilang. Baju je ok coz can simpan no problem.
after byk2 fikir non stop, the only solution i had was to postponed my reception but proceed with nikah. The tricky part is i have to use all my reception vendor utk nikah. Fikir2, we all pun buat keputusan, ok proceed nikah kat dewan komuniti, but reception plan yg lain in july...
so now all the vendor yg sab book utk reception semua dah tukar jadi nikah...
so yes, that is why my nikah became like that, sbb its actually my reception. Even the pink baju was for my reception, tapi sbb the pink theme was utk dewan komuniti tu, i pun pakai je baju reception for nikah.
My white baju nikah, now dah tukar utk reception pulak...
so now what happens to my reception?...hehehhe..
let's wait for part 2, nanti byk sgt writting org malas nak baca kan??
p/s: i so wish i can wear my baju pink for my reception again...hmmm....
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Salam semua,
Dalam era A.I, macam-macam social media sini sana, terkejut pula kita
terima Utusan Diraja. Auto tergambar vibe muzik klasik, majlis raja-ra...
3 days ago
i believed that u will have lovely reception..cause u have lovely taste :D
yup..agreed with faradiba..shud be no problem either u wear white or pink for ur reception..u'll definitely look stunning. =)
ohhh begini kisahnye. now only i tau. takpe, orang chantek, pakai ape je akan jadi chantek.
huisshh mcm2 drama..
tak kisah la Sab janji semuanya sudah selamat :)
xsabar nk tugu ur reception pulak..hishh brp kg la i time tu agaknya...
miss u >.<
xpela sab, wuteva it is ur akad nikah sangat super duper awesome! :)
**linked you sab :) **
your marriage ceremony is spectacular.even had to change clothes for the nikah and reception..I think the change of clothes is not a major problem~
white is the trend for reception~
*link u~
ade hikmah nye kan the reception postpone ke july..sab boleh merasa prepration yg sgt cantik untuknikah.. :)
so things happened for reasons..
well, just cant wait for ur reception in coming july! i'allah akan pergi kalau dijemput sekali lagi . keciwa tak dpt pegi ms nikah..hehehe
phew! i had a bit of a problem cathing up on which vendor where. HAHA. but you did make your nikah look different from the norm dear :)
insyallah..everythings will turn out great
faradiba:oh inshaAllah...alhamdulllah, my taster, well mostly i have to give credit to my mum and father.they are always the ones coming up with new briliant ideas..mashaAllah
hana:inshaAlla..i hope so..nanti reception lova pulak akeup..hmm different style..hope it suits me..
ida:oh kisahnya sgt pajang...hanya Allah swt sahaja yg tahu perasaan sabby masa tu...
nad: heehhehe...mmg pun..tulah alhamdulillah nikah sudah selamat..hopefully reception pun ok..inshaAllah...hey why u never update you blog?? we miss you...
iza:oh thank you so much dear.mashaAllah...i dah link you too...
anie:..i suka baju putih..mula2 we all nak tukar brown, and tak gua baju nkah..but i sayang baju nikah tu..habib pun cakap proceed dgn baju putih..nampak cantik..
alena: tulah, everything that happens in life ada hikmah nya...datang tau..july 4hb nanti..sekarang jugak dah ajak k..hehehe...
nahwal:oh mahsaAllah..it was not my intention actually but it just all happened accidentaly.alhamdulillah it worked out for the best.i guess..
anil: inshaAllah.nanti jgn lupa july nanti pun datang k...
kadang2 ape yang kiter rancang, tak semuanya kiter akan dapat kan. Tuhan saja nak menduga kite, nak tgk sekuat mana hambanya itu menangani masalah itu :)..
tq sabby :)
xsabar nak tggu u punye updates... :)
wahhh ...insyaAllah semuanya akan jadi the most beautiful wedding ...insyaAllah masa tu i dpt hadir sekiranya dijemput :p ...so kalau u pakai baju putih for reception pun okey ..lagi sesuai utk wedding kan .. apa2 pun mmg mcm2 drama laa hehehe ..gud luck!
elya:yes dear..its so true..i think i def came out a better person after all this..masa plan i was such a bridezilla...now i realise the most important thing is for many2 poeple to come and share your special day with you...kalau wedding cantik macam mana pun, kalau org tak datang lagi sedih kan??
iza: dah part 2 day upload
sha: of course u must datang this time...suruh all bloggers datang same time like my nikah..nanti dpt duduk together and take pics ramai2...
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