My beautiful cousin mashaAllah was a victim of inhuman treatment during her PTD training "Comando module". And Astaghfirullah she died while doing the training.
Verily to Allah SWT, Belongs what HE took and to HIM belongs what HE gave and everything with HIM has an appointed time...
oh May Allah swt forgive all her sins and Make her amongst those in syurga. And give strength to all family... Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen....
My cousin was not feeling well since Sunday itself, and pihak camp knew it, because they brought her to a clinic in banting and hospital banting.
Pihak kem dah tahu dia sakit tapi paksa dia buat traning sama dengan yang lain.
Training dia merangkumi masuk lupur. masuk dalam air laut, minum air kotor stokin, kayak for 4 HOURS!
Yang paling teruk pihak keluarga diberitahu, shima yang sedang sejuk (akibat demam) dan gunakan Jacket, ada seorang tenaga pengajar, yang RAMPAS jacket dari shima, selepas itu paksa shima masuk ke dalam tempat yang berlumpur. Astanghfirullah
Mestilah keadaan nya yang sakit jadi lebih teruk!
What happened at the camp? sampai bila shima sampai hospital, dia sudah dalam keadaan sangat kritikal?
Tak cukup, pihak kem tak cakap pihak keluarga langsung yang shima sakit, walaupun shima dah inform pihat kem untuk memberitahu keluarganya yang dia sakit.
FAMILY WAS ONLY INFORMED on Friday , when she was already tak sedar.
Yang paling saya tak faham, kenapa diorg simpan handphone? mereka bukankah sudah dewasa yang setengah tu sudah ada suami dah anak di rumah? Sebab diorg simpan handphone shima tak dapat inform kelaurga yang dia sakit.
Memang as Muslims mashaAllah, Family has accepted the fate from Allah SWT that today is her time to leave this world... Tapi sangat menyedihkan bila kami dapat tahu cara pihak kem handle kes ini.
Allah SWT knows what happened.Allah SWT knows best... And may all the irresponsible people get whatever they deserve.Amen....
Quoted from Kosmo:-
Seorang rakan mangsa yang enggan dikenali memberitahu, mangsa pernah mengadu tidak sihat ketika latihan masuk hari kedua tetapi dia disahkan hanya mengalami demam biasa selepas mendapatkan rawatan di klinik berdekatan.
"Keadaan bertambah buruk apabila kami semua dipaksa menjalani latihan fizikal yang keras termasuk berkayak selama empat jam, berendam dalam kolam berlumpur dan minum air jus stoking," katanya ketika ditemui semalam.
Tambahnya, ekoran latihan lasak itu, Nor Hashimah semakin tenat apabila mukanya kelihatan pucat dan bibir kebiru-biruan sebelum dihantar ke HTAR Jumaat lalu.
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Salam semua,
Dalam era A.I, macam-macam social media sini sana, terkejut pula kita
terima Utusan Diraja. Auto tergambar vibe muzik klasik, majlis raja-ra...
3 days ago
I heard the news n xsangka plak ur cuz.I pun naik risau bile dgr smp jd kes cmni..risau plak later on if my turn to join the course.huhu~
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan di kalangan org2 b'iman..takziah dear..
My condolence to you and family sab..
Innalillah.. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman..
Thinking back, there must be a reason why Allah failed me during the interview that I had for this position as well. Let's hope the investigation will be done thoroughly.
terribly sorry for your lost sabby. Allah loves her more and insyaAllah she is in a good place right now.
takziah sab. kte ada tgk berita td psl nih
ohh..mashaAllah for the condolences.
Pray for strength in every aspect for my cousin(the husband) and niece(2 years old) and all family members...
omg dat is so....*speechless*
im so sorry for ur loss...b strong,okay..
condolences to ur family
Al-Fatihah,please extend my condolences to her family...i just terbayang anak yg masih kecil...sgt2 sedih! :'(
hope the irresponsible person get the punishment that they deserved!
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. amin.
takziah to ur family
Al fatihah...sorry to hear that... strong sab..sorry to hear that..::
~masyaAllah Sab...kazen u ke???
~baru tgk berita smalam...
~ape pon...takziah buat kamu sekeluarga...
~semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarhamah...
i'm so sorry to hear that sab..ive read the news this morning and all i can think was her only child T_T sedihnyaaaaaa
My condolence to the whole family
Innalillah..saw the news on my friend FB status, apparently the arwah was my friend's friend.
my condolence goes to your and arwah's family
I'm so sad to hear that arwah is your cousin. TAKZIAH Sab.
Well, I am a PTD and I attended that 7-month course 2 years ago.
During my time, we had OBS for 2 weeks instead of this Kem Bina Semangat. OBS was fun and yes they did "confiscate" our handphones and electrical devices as part of OBS' rules. But that is OBS. I cant say much about this new module.
DPA (Dip. Pengurusan Awam) consists of indoor(classes related to our workstuff) and outdoor(Bomba, Tentera, Police and OBS during my time) modules. When I did my DPA and if we were not well, we were given options whether to stay (if masih larat) or quit and repeat that outdoor modules (not the whole 7-month course) with the juniors. REPEAT is not a very fond word among us therefore we equiped ourselves with vitamins, painkillers and stuff for us to stay healthy and strong during the outdoor modules. The options were really up to us whether to stay OR quit the modules.
I cant say much about what happened because I wasnt there as witness. And I never thought DPA can be "deadly" because DPA has long started since MCS (Malaysian Civil Service) was created.
Well, once again PTD made a headline. Controversial..
salam yaya,
i think nobody thought DPA would be deadly, because it has been around for sooooooooo loooooonnnnggg....
What made the condition on my cousin is the NEW module..FIRST time ever module which was by the paskau aka komando udara...
yes, of course all of them came out alive except for my cousin....
many times we all have mentioned, Is not the module that we blame...Its the fact that they did not inform the family, they didn't allow her to call her family when she was sick, and failed to provide her with proper all happened within 5 days...5 days only...
al-fatihah & takziah to your family sab
al fatihah...
Im sorry to hear about what happened.
I do truly hope the responsible party will get punished for this.
I understand the DPA training modules been around for ages. Unfortunately, the people who conduct the training (UDPA) keep changing. The problem is not the modules, but its the way the programs being carried out by the responsible party.
I hope this incident will highlight the problems within UDPA and the kind of people they choose to become members of UDPA.
How can this bunch of malfunction people train the best of young malaysians??
Wish your family the best. UDPA is under JPA, its a tough road. But please dont give up until justice is served.
my prayers goes to her.. al-fatihah. hope you and your family stay strong ya sab
Yes, this is the 1st batch that experience this module..
And I agree with u Sab about the module.. I thought tentera module is the toughest, never thought there will be another one, thougher than tentera..
The whole bunch of us have thousands of question about this too, where are the organizers when this thing happened, if its true they had to drink 'air stokin', why did the organizer allow it, why did the doctor at the clinic allow her to get back to her activity when H1N1 is very active nowadays etc, etc.. *sigh*
It's sad.. T___T
A lesson for the people up there..
my condolences to u and ur family sab
salam sab,
takziah. hari ni the whole office bercakap tentang topic yg sama.
Ini adalah ujian dan semoga sab sekeluarga tabah menghadapinya.
Saya Yang Menurut Perintah (Gov servant tag-line)
Salam.. and my deepest condolence to your family as well..
FYI, 2 Generations of my family was PTD.. my father in law, my wife and me and my brother are PTDs.. (not by default)... All of us undergo the same training as PapaYa and i must say that the the training module has never been harsher before... My Father in law went to the army module for a month and he said it was fun as well as learnt his lesson to understand, respect his superiors there.. Personally i believe what had happen to the demise was an unfortunate episode.... and nobody is happy about it as well.. We must also remember that it is always God's will..
but then again.. it is not only the demise who undergo the training.. there are also several hundreds of her batchmates or colleagues did the module as well.. I must blame the media for sensationalized the story.. Whatever behind it, damaged has been done..
I am really sorry for what had happened.. but i dont think it is fair to 'bakar kelambu kerana seekor nyamuk'... Alfatihah to Allahyarhamah..
I just read the news today. I'm shocked over what happened.
It's just strange why they'd put them under such kind of training. Is it really useful?
I've undergone several BTNs. While the indoor modules can be quite informative, the outdoor modules left me with mixed feelings.
Maybe the objective is to toughen us up mentally, but i'm sure there're other ways to do that...
Nonetheless, my condolences to you and your family.
Salam sab,
please accept my deepest condolences.
i couldn't imagine if were the family.
Semoga Allahyarhamah ditmpatkan dikalangan orang yang dikasihi Allah.
salam takziah
sab, dear..i dint know it was ur deepest condolence to u and ur family..i x sure mama n lit know about this ke x..will let them know..sab, be strong k? oh ya, bout the address..will send it to ur fb inbox..kena tanya mama first coz they just moved to putra heights..
miss u dear..glad to see ur pic at malin's. jeles ni!!
mdianais ( salam...
Like i've mentioned before, my cousin batch is the first batch yg buat "comando training"
She had to do it while she was heaving breathing problem due to her pneumonia...imagine, she got admitted for 1 night, because of very high fever and breathing problems, the next day she keluar hospital she had to continue kayak for 3 hours, coz instructor said she was pretending to be sick!!!
faham tak???!!!!
she was SICK, so she should't have been forced to do HARSH activity....she did all the activity until she fell unconcious/coma!
alhamdulillah nothing like this happened to your family while they did the training......
saya sangat sedih..rasa nak nangis how if this happened to me?my anak-anak buah, serious i cant imagine
Al fatihah to arwah..Tak sangka your cousin..
tak sangka cousin u..takziah sab..
actually selalu jugak nampak dia since i pun dekat MOF and her division level atas my division je..
Salam takziah buat sab dan keluarga. Sangat terkejut dan kecewa dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat di atas kekejaman yang dilakukan. Macam zionis rasa!
firstly takziah utk u n ur family.
just FYI, psl air stokin tu tak benar sama sekali. DPA module started since 1973, this was the first case yg melibatkan kematian.
i tak tahu plak batch nih 1st yg ada comando training, maybe after this pihak jpa kena fikir semula about this. lgpun ptd bukan askar nak kena hadap training mcm comando
again, takziah
salam takziah
semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yang beriman
satu perkara lagi...
saya juga PTD
DPA mmg satu kursus yang mencabar demi melahirkan elit kerajaan
cuma satu perkara..
minum air stokin
tidak pernah wujud
DPA bertujuan melatih minda dan fizikal (stamina) dan bukanya menyeksa seperti minum air stokin..
tidak pernah wujud minum air stokin..
apa2 pun
salam takziah ye dari warga2 PTD
kami turut sedih kerana rakan persejuangan terkorban
I believe its so unfair for some comments above to simply say its God's will. Its as if there is no sensitivity spared for the party in distress.
While it is God's will, we have to look and learn from the mistakes made. If the said training has caused one's life, of someone's daughter, someone's wife and someone's mother taken away, isnt it only fair that an investigation of why such event occurred been made? And how it can be prevented from happening again in the future? By saying youve been through it, and youre alive today doesnt really help. I mean, Alhamdulillah, but what about the deceased? I dont think the media sensationalized the issue. It is a valid issue that needed to be addressed accordingly.
My deepest condolences to her family and I believe that this is a hard period for the family. I hope that Allah will grant them the strength they need and lets hope the chain of responsibility will work and someone will have to serve the sentence for this inhuman act.
i'm ur silent reader...
sangat terkejut m'bc blog awk tdi..
actually my sis in law was same team wif ur lately cousin...
and the day we jmput die kt intan kiara (sabtu),dlm kereta she talked about ur lately cousin to my brother(her husband)
yes,she was sicked semasa latihn tu...arwah t'tido bwh pokok then kena pakse bangun...
dan kursus t'baru ni mmg sgt teruk...teruk..sgt kasihan kt my sis in law..tgn,bdn,kaki mcm kn kudis sbb rendm dlm air kotor okey...
angah saya mmg setuju sbb he the one of ajk for this program since he also ptd plus die m'ambil peluang utk menolong isteri die dlm kursus ni spt penempatan utk msuk kmpung,kumpulan sume..he said air sungai tu tpt laluan air kotor dri salah satu tpt belajar apa nth kt banting tu...
diorg t'pkse golek2 dri pasir ke laut,then golek lagi dri laut ke pasir...
so stupid right?
i dont know how to say...i always said,yg dipilih tu bijak,pandai..perlu ke wt latihan tu?
another stupid thing,t'pakse melompat tepuk tgn tu,(i dont what it called)sebnyk 40x dng 5x pusingn!means 200x...then ulang lagi...!
my sis in law said,if dikire,dela ribu raban wt cmtu...
mlm pertama di banting,diorg t'pkse tido tgh2 tapak tu tanpa batal!then,kejap bangun,kejap tido blik...
okey dari segi kesihatan la..
kan xelok kena embun pagi...
kan xelok bila da rendam dlm air,then tanpe lap badan,juz kering'n mcm tu aje,then masuk rendam balik air,then kering'n bdn cmtu aje,byk2 kali bleh effect ngn peparu kite?
psl minum air stoking, my sis in law xcite plak...
she said juz kena dera msuk tpt tido dlm kiraan 10saat,clear'n tapak p'himpunan dgn byk2 kli,then kn tanggal'n kasut+bk stokin,then pkai balik dlm kiraaan 10 saatla byk2 kali...
tpi diorg bijak pandai...diorg pkai je kwn2 punye dlu,supaya xkn denda...yela...dgn keadaan yg gelap+org ramai,kite xbleh nk cri mn kite letk kasut+stokin kite...
my sis in law said,mmg diorg sakit hati ngn batch tu sbb diorg wt tanpe sebarng keluhan+marah2 dpn diorg...bila diorg kata okey 50x,diorg akn bls okey,dgn 50x dgn gembira+t'senyum tapi dlm hati m'bara....=)ptd so clever okey...
actually sy sgt kesian ngn ank+suami arwah...t'byg2 angah sy+my nephew...
takziah sab...
agree with u n anonymous the silent reader. it IS inhuman.
btw takziah. inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiuun.
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