anyhow since raya pics still cant be uploaded so i shall upload teaser pictures of my wedding outfit...i only have my nikah and sanding baju...i forgot to take picture of my tandang baju (that one is in champagne)
This is my nikah lace...but of course it will be worn with white satin..not the black/white batik at the background....for my nikah attire, I'm actually partly using my sisters nikah outfit...since we are the same size and body saves a lot of money and I'm only wearing it for nikah session at the mosque....inshaAllah..
and to make matters worst..i do not want a train nor a long veil for any of my wedding baju..mum put her foot down and said no dragging anything, since there is a hadith sahih that supports that i reluctantly pretty much it does sound more like a baju nikah then a sanding attire..
finally my designer drew a design that i really liked....he will play with beadings and layers of materials instead....1st fitting will be in 2 months inshaAllah...can't wait
p/s: secretly i do feel sometimes that my wedding dress is too simple..but when i see other brides wedding outfits...i always seem to love the nikah outfits more than reception...
We are the same Sab.
I seem to love nikah outfits more than the reception dress and yes, I too prefer kurung over kebaya. I don't understand why and people thought I'm just way different. I told them I'm not and I'm right =) At least I know there is someone like me.
I love simplicity and I always believe in less is more.
The other day I told my bf that I don't want a wang hantaran. Enough if he gives me a considerable amount of mas kahwin (mahar). One because wang hantaran was never in Islam and two, I thought the money he owns could be utilize somewhere beneficial (like spending on our house). He was okay with it but he's afraid that we'll be trapped in the so called adat. It seems like both our parents nih still nak pegang pada adat jugak...susah kan?
oh this is good news...i tot it's just me who wants a simple wedding baju...yaayy...
btw we too are not going to have wang hantaran...just mas kahwin, i dont want to bebankan future hubby...parents broke the adat when they got they have no problems with us breaking it as well...
other readers, please do not get offended...if tak bebankan both your families and not against our religion i see no problem for any adat..
but for me and habib we need the money pay for our house and car and future children inshaAllah......
owh how i envy you.
i've initially wanted a kurung moden for the reception as well but when my mom intervened, well lets just say I let her have her way with it.can't wait to see ur reception dress, though!
btw,judging by ur gorgeous pix, i think u'd look amazing be it in kurung,kebaya or anything else ;) nikah wrna grey..cnthek...
mm..skrg zmn dah moden..ada adat kna ikot..ada yg mostly org bg hantaran bkn utk kita si pngtin tp utk wang belanja kenduri...ikotkan duit hntaran tu seciput je brbanding jumlah sebenar kenduri yg parents kita dh bg bulat2 duit hntaran pd my dad...itu je yg dpt ringnkan beban mereka...sbb duit kite dh abes utk persiapan dn bnde2 lain..hehe..asalkan x mmbebankan groom..itu dah memadai..
haa...yg pnting..dan x haros dilupakan..ucapan utk awak...
Selamat hari raya..maaf zahir batin..
jika ada tersalah kata, terkasar bahsa, terkecil hati...saya mntk maaf ya..
**upload gmbr raya tau... P~
nora danish also had kurung for her reception & still looking gorgeous!
only you and your great designer know what's best for you. so to me, go for the simplicity as u wish since u know it works best & u feel good in it :D
salam sab
go for baju kurung :) kte suka pakai baju kurung.sgt comfy.masa nikah dlu kte pakai jubah,sbb sgt suka tgk jubah nikah wardina.hehe.
for wed,slalu pegang prinsip less is more.insyallah,sumenye will be just nice.cantik dua2 kain yang sab beli tuh.kain for baju sanding sgt cantik.betul.beadeds yg simple but yet still stunning for bride.
kte respect coz both of u sepakat untuk adakan mahar saja ;) betul,banyak lagi keperluan after kawen ;)
btw,salam aidilfitri sab ;)
dear, i have once told my fiance 'let wear biasa2 je... and hope to re-use the dress in some other occasions...'
i very much wanted a wedding that i have always dreamed but, when the actual time comes... lets be rational. Selamat hari raya to u! :)
Cantiknya lace pink tu..
Sweet sangat..
Cant wait to see u in it :)
p/s: Am reading the book you gave every night :) It's a good gift. Thanx dear
dear nowdays dah ramai pengantin buat baju kurung untuk bersanding ..kalau ikutkan baju kurng cantik jika pandai suai padan dgn beads ..mcm emelda kawin tue songket tapi style baju kurung sangat2 la cantik and my nikah outfit pon baju kurung .. senang dan tak payah pk2 susah hehehe ..aper pontepuk dada tanya selera la kan thats ur wedding ..and u tau mana yg terbaik utk diri u kan ... ok nak ucapkan selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin kalau ada tersalah silap harap maafkan ...take care
wawa, mashaAllah thank you for the complement...hey kebaya is very nice for reception..if only i can pull it off..confirm i do kebaya...
anil, bagus sgt u all betul2 give wang hantaran straight to parents..heheh..we all must contohi anil...byk my friends yg mock check je...hutang saja dgn parents...kesian tak cukup duit...
wlt, oh really..i must search online for nora's picture..u see actually i know a alot of poeple that has done it and looked great..even aliah wore a kurung modern at her istana reception and she looked amazing mashaAllah...
fathiyah..mahar sahaja bagi nikah...alhadulillah ada wang yg habib bagi before hand tetapi tidak dibubuh atas hantaran..biarlah amountnya between him, me & both parents...segan nak ditayangkan..nanti akan selalu dibandingkan dengan keluarga and kawan2 yg lain...
oh ya anil..baju warna putih bukan grey..tulah patut i alihkan kain bawah tu masa nak ambil gambar...
yaya u are reading the book..oh mashaAllah i'm so happy...hehehe..and kain pink tu chiffon bukan lace...
sha betul kan nowadays dah byk pakai kurung..tulah i sedih je when poeple tegur i buat kurung..
p/s: thank you for all the raya wishes...i pun nak minta ampun if i terkasar bahasa...
Chiffon eh? (Tak bace betol2 ar tu ;)
Kalernye sangat sweet
ehehhee..alhamudlillah yaya..its putih with pink beads..
kain chifon tu sgt cantik..
do you mind telling where to get that..ppeeliiss?
budak kecik...i beli kain tu kat jakel...all the best shoping....
Hi sab, been reading your blog for a while. well, just in case i'm getting married (which i dont know when). like you and the spasmodic scribbler, i love simpler things in life and less is more. i also prefer nikah outfit than reception outfit and insha allah if my (wedding) day finally come, i'd opt for something classic and never goes out of style like baju kurung too. My mom used to say that baju kurung will always "in" and appropriate in any event and at any age. and i do agree with her. since baju kurung will never goes out of style, you maybe one day can pass your nikah/sanding outfits to your future daughter!
Sorry for such a long comment and btw love the material for your sanding outfit.
yay now i have you and the spasmodic scribbler...this is the beauty of blogging...i dont feel so alone anymore...
and i agree with u with the timeless fashion friend got nikah in an antic frechlace kurung that the mum wore during her nikah...and mashaAllah it looked amazing..imagine 30 yrs later, and its still in fashion...
my sanding outfit, should have taken the whole picture..hehehe..border je with beads...the rest of baju and kain is all plain chiffon..i'm so scared if people hv high expectations, because true fact is, its just a simple kurung modern...
hello dear.. if u nak selendang for nikah please contact me and visit my blog
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