Kenduri rumah Makcik
Kalau arwah Ibu masih ada lagi, mesti Ibu pun dah sibuk juga sebelum puasa
buat kenduri sambut puasa.
Ingat lagi tahun 2021, dalam bulan April Ib...
2 days ago
Rasulullah SAW said, "When a person commits illegal sexual intercourse, he is not a believer at the time of committing it; and if he steals, he is not a believer at the time of stealing; and if he drinks an alcoholic drink, when he is not a believer at the time of drinking it;." I asked Ibn Abbas, "How is faith taken away from him?" He said, Like this," by clasping his hands and then separating them, and added, "But if he repents, faith returns to him like this," by clasping his hands again.
sgt canteek...
dear.....i rasa semua ternganga tgk ni...(of kos me too)...sgt sgt sgt la cantik!
cantik gilerrrr!!wedding of the year!yeayyy
ohh mashaAllah girls thank you so much..ala amy, you wedding yg wedding of the year..hehehe....i suka sgt your pelamin...i still tak boleh lupakan..
i bet you had the same absolute beautiful wedding like aliah and anas jugak kan sab?
santek nyeeee u...mcm wardina ;)
sab.. aliah is ur sis in law? wow. what a small world. aliah is my friend. we r not that close tho, coz she's actually my sis's bff. known her way back when she was in uiuc.
btw, ur wedding sangat sangat gorgeous! *jealous*
wahhh! sgt meriah..canteknya u sab..:) asyik tersenyum...semoga bahagia selalu..:)wedding ceremony yg sgt2 nice ...
I could see the 'magical' even it's just thru pictures.Magnificient!
drop dead gorgeous!
I think is still not to late to congrats you.. Congratulations Sab, u look so gorgeous. Wish both of u a long life happiness :) amin
woot woot!such a beautiful wedding..
kongratulasi to u ;)
perfect 10! was so beautiful. :)
cnthekkkkk sgt...both photog awak amek mmg superbbb sgt!!! ouhh
MasyaAllah sangat cantik your wedding congrats sabby dear ..rugi tak dapat datang but alhamdulilah husband sampai juga akhirnyer ...nice pelamin sabby of the year nampak gaya hiksss ... can't wait to see your reception lagi superb dr ni kan ... superb cantik!!!!
Puan Sab!!!~
Subhanallah..mmg cantikkkk OK! dapat juga seperti yg u idamkan..harus u punya lagi melets dari cerita ayat2 cinta tu..hehe :)
semoga berbahagia selamanya sab :)
wowww...canteknyer...sgt2 okeh!!neway sab, congrats!!!
Sab...sgt-sgt(infinity) canthekkk!!! Suka2 sgt, different from everyone or the common nikah pelamin...And Congrats!! ;)
mmg terkesima bile tgk wedding u sab :) hanie antara yg dtg awal, dpt melihat segala persiapan. Alhamdulillah, semua nye jln lancar kan :) doakan nnt your reception, akan seindah ini juga atau lebih yer! ;)
p/s: hee ambik aje,ni yg tak teredit ni. more more pictures masih dlm simpanan hee tungguuu! ;)
Sab! u look gojes + stunning.. mm, what else.. words cant describe la..! congrats! i cant make it on that day..sorry.. but everythings went well kan? Alhamdulillah... cant wait for ur reception plak!
hi dear..sgt cantekk n sgt mempesonakan!!
Sab mmg sgt sggt nmpk berseri2 sentiasa tersenyum riang pd hari berkenaan..
semuanya indah..
makanan pn sedapppp!!
suke sgt wedding kamu!!!
sgt cantik!!!:) just nobody.ur very silent reader. ur wedding was phenomenal!! n danial zain uploaded ur photos already!!! superb!! take care! - anisah
yaya, alhamdulilah..tapi wedding anas sgt lebih grand than mine..itu mmg i tak boleh challenge.hehehe
elle-heheh yup it is a small world...thanks for the wish dear...
hazliena:senyum selalu sbb happy sgt..hehehe..alhamdulillah
suzie-thank you so much..i nak go back to that day sgt..
jacky-mashaAllah thank you dear...loving your holidays..update more yeah nanti..
ellfazira-thank you so much..alhamdulillah
nahwal: 10 for decor...must thank nas...
nad: alhamdulilah tulah sedih u tak dpt datang..
anil:tulah i pun puas hati sgt dgn both..tgh tunngu hard copy pulak..hehehe
sha:tulah sedih u tak dtg, tapi hubby u dtg pun i terharu sgt...alhamdulillah..tapi jgn expect sgt, my reception simple je..i terbalikkan..nikah i buat special sbb tht is my true wedding date...reception sekadar kenduri makan2 je...
ann:tulah..dpt jugak ala2 ayat2 cinta..tapi masa terima nikah tak dpt nak suruh org balik mum cakap that is too much already..hehehee...
farhana: alhamdulilah thanks dear..
natazmi: thanks dear, tula i saje jer made my nikah more special than my reception...sbb i really wanted the gazebo..hehehe..
hanie: i nak ucap beribu terima kasih..canot wait to see more pics...reception simple je..i just want everyone to datang n makan sedap2..hehehe...
kak amie- thank so much..ala korang punya centre piece and hantaran my family suka ingat nas buat tu jugak ehehe..korang dah boleh sampai tahap tu dah..alhamdulillah...inshaAllah now i dah jemput dah for reception.hehhee..
farah: alhamdulillah..thank you so much
nad: yg penting akad lancar and makan sedap..tapi sab tak dapat rasa pun makan...hehhee..sibuk ambil gambar..
anony-thanks dear...
anisah- alhamdulillah..i'm very happy with pics from daniel mashaAllah...sgt reccomended...
Ya Allah, from all the pics i saw @DZP, i hearts them ALL sab ALL! drop dead perfect. wedding of the year 2010 i guess. such a creative idea u have, DZ get the best shots - every moments i guess. hehe i love DZP too! im speechless but i know, u had a superb wonderful wedding sab. semoga u bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat *hugs*
i heart gazebo pelamin u tu..cantek sgt,nnti nk cuba DIY mcm tu gak la..dia pakai fake flower ke fresh flower yea?
congatres dear..sangat canteekkk!~
OMG..masya wedding....alhamdulillah...sib baik dah kawen n anak first time here..hope its not late to congratulate u on ur big day..mabruk..
mama nawal.
Sorry, I'm slow. I just found your blog hehe..
OMG babe your Nikah was gorgeous!! Congratulations on your wedding babe.. =)
ps. I've linked you.. ;)
hi sab, siapa yang in charge for the decoration pelamin ni ye? sebab hari tu i p satu kedai pengantin kat melaka, ada gambar u punye nikah hall ni n die claim dia yang buat. just want to confirm betul2 ke dia yang buat. tq!!! btw ur nikah hall memang mesmerizing!!
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