but i'm def going to start with my honeymoon first...while waiting for pictures for my official photographer...
MashaAllah we had a pretty amazing honeymoon in krabi...it started of pretty amazing as well..as we reached LCCT we bumped to or famous blogger WLT....we were on the same flight..we said hi, and both had to apologise for not going to each others wedding coz they both fell on the same day...WLT sempat gave her wedding favour..thank you so much dear.
when i got in the plane, i so happy because my 1 friend who is working in air asia was the head cabin crew for the flight..of course kiotrg dpt special treatment sikit....hehehe...
flight to krabi is short only 1 hour and 15 mins..its one of those flight, where just afer you finish your meal, when I'm about to fall asleep for my short nap, plane dah nak land..hehehehe
when we got there, there was a hotel transfer waiting for us..can you imagine just the 2 of us, in such a big van..i was looking for WLT to say bye, tapi tak nampak..so off we left the airport...it took us about 20 mins to sampai the hotel...
...ohh before i forget, i choose Aonang Princeville for our honeymoon because its the only certified halal hotel i could find in aonang.. from the pictures i saw the hotel was so-so ..the reviews from tripadvisor pun not so great..so i went with very low expectations of the hotel...also we took the cheapest room, because this hotel is quite pricey comparing if you take goholiday package, but as always for me halal food is more important than anything, it was a sacrifice we both were more than willing to make...because we both LLLOOOVE food..heheheh
check in was smooth...they straight away knew who we were...so terus they brought us to our room...
when i opened the door, i was like ehhh... i didnt pay for this room....guess what girls????....they upgraded us to the most expansive room of the hotel..the honeymoon suite..i was sooooooooooo happy...habib smiled at me...from his face i can tell he was telling me, see told you everything is going to be ok....mashaAllah, i can only thank Allah swt for all the good things that happen during our honeymoon...

Not that they just upgraded our room, they did the whole honeymoon flower deco as well...for 6 days we were there, they gave us nothing but good service...on top our the 3 island trips, which of course will be my next entry, they also gave us free dinner for 2 nights...and free spa for 90 mins for the both of us...
Our room was full with everything we needed...we even had 2 flat screen 32inch TV 1 at the bed, the other one at the lounge...hehehe...fruits everyday dapat free..in the room pun ada kiblat finder plus they provided us with 2 sejadah...
...room is the same standart as Avilion in PD.....my pictures are from my digi cam, so tak cantik sgt...
...room is the same standart as Avilion in PD.....my pictures are from my digi cam, so tak cantik sgt...
Location of this hotel is the best...we were right opposite the aonang beach, and smack in the middle of aonang street...we can either walk to the left or right, and both sides got so many things to explore...
MashaAllah..i was soooo happy staying here...we ate like crazy....
price for our total 6 days, for whoever that is interested, kindly e-mail me...
oh ya, just for your info, i tak beli the package though matta fair or air asia...i e-mailed the hotel straight, and they customed a package according to my length of stay and activities that we wanted to do...
oh ya, just for your info, i tak beli the package though matta fair or air asia...i e-mailed the hotel straight, and they customed a package according to my length of stay and activities that we wanted to do...
p/s: after this i will do entry on food, shopping and island hoping trip in krabi...
for full story of my krabi honeymoon please visit here
woww tak sabar...sila update lebih lagi okeh...
sab, i email u. hihi
wowww.. ni br sikit.. nnk tgk lagii.. plz plz
sab.. i email u juga.. hehe
dear...sgt kebetulan...br je tfikir halal ke x...u dah jawab..i email u tau...
best nyer! upgrade tu yg priceless tu hehe
when i saw this waaa miss krabi allready ... mcm best jerk tmpat you stay ..bole try nxt visit eceh ...
bestnye sab...bilala dpt ke sana??? suka suka..look interesting :)
sab! thanks for the entry. mmg tgh mencari ni. hihi.
oh sgt best!;)))
sab, i masih tak tahu hotel mana, i have 1 in mind tapi bukan muslim owned, but halal food boleh request..
and all the testi kat tripadvisor mmg macam menakutkan lah.. sume pun kalau nak ikut testi kat situ agaknya langsung tak pegi.. i rasa kene tawakal sahaja.. =)
sab..i'm ur silent reader. looking forward for ur kabi review as i will be going there tis jun..can't wait for ur next post :)
wow =)
i still owe u sab.
very2 bz at this mo.sori
I'm also one your silent readers.
Can you please email me the price of the package?
Thanks :D
sab..ni ur hotel ye..we sempat singgah for massage sbb they got promotion hehe :D nice meeting u & habib!
wahh, lucky u sab! :) sure la rase mcm mimpi bile tgk yg depan mata huu. lg2 utk honeymoon kan? :D cerita lg tau, tak sabar! :D
Sab..if i nak gi Krabi nnt, i will dfinately ask for your advice...nampak seronok sgt~!! ;) More and more please..hehe
krabi oo krabi! nk tau jugak sab,, plan nk g sana end of ths yr.. already email u.. :)
x puas ngk pic..mmg krabi adalh honeymoon plg glemer di klangan blogger...heee
cantik!!! want more pic
oh my! they gave me file yg xleh nk bukak.. boleh tak if u email me the package? tq!
sab, i need to ask you something but it's not regarding your honeymoon. can i have your email?
wow... mcm best jerk...
can u email me the price for your honeymoon package..
me still lagi tercari2 place for honeymoon. getting married on this april
salam sab,
i had just dropping an email to ur mailbox. me interested as well.. do let me knw if u havent receive mine yet
thanks in advane for sharing ;)
slm sab,
i hv email to u too. me interested as well. do let me knw if u din receive it yet...
thanks for the info. well, good entry dear ;)
i pun nk tau jgk price for ur package
email me bleh x?
TQ.. :)
i pun nk tau jgk price for ur package
email me bleh x?
TQ.. :)
Hi Sab,
Jai here, haritu masa jumpa u nak tanya pasal ni, tapi terlupa.. ni baru ingat balik..hehhe.. anyways, kalau u tak keberatan, mind sharing with me the price of the package? I tgh survey harga kat Krabi & Bali ni.. :)
salam...sis..i pon nk tau price of the package.. =) thanx...
Hi Sab,
I just checked the list of Halal restaurans from the link u attached here, but found out one of the restaurants serves pork... Kor-Bua. Others i could not find the website....
So i can say that we still have to doubt tho they claim their restaurant is Halal... wallahualam.
hi sab..lei ke emailkan kat kt..nk cmpare if gi ngan agent..really need ur help..thankss..
Salam! i'm one of your silent reader. ^^
Please email me the price of your expenditure ok? :D
Might be going in October. ^^
hi..boleh tanye cikit, awak amik package yang hotel sediakan ke or just booking room and bagitau mereka that u guys are in honeymoon?tengah plan nak ke sana juga ni..hope dapat bantu tq =)
salam sab, u ambik package apa ya?honeymoon package or u yg letak sendiri? can u email me? odirocketman@yahoo.com
might go end of this year for honeymoon.thnx :)
Hai, boleh email total cost honeymoon di krabi? amik pakej dgn agen atau direct with hotel? kalau na book mcm mane? ini email sy - blue_united08@yahoo.com, sangat2 berharap pertolongan dan panduan anda...
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