I have received a few emails about the nikah that i had...which alhamdulillah I'm so grateful for everything....but there was 1 email that's still in my mind..
this girl email just to say how much she envies my life, and how i had a perfect wedding...and how lucky i am for everything.......
so now i'm going to tell a story about rezeki...Allah swt is very fair to all his ummah with his rezeki..there is nothing in life comes from luck...if you feel your friend is lucky because she is rich, trust me, dalam Islam terang2 Allah SWT dah explain, you work hard ,Allah SWT will reward...but she must have spent her life, mostly with the maid bringing her up or alone because parents are too busy making money...
if you feel your friend is lucky coz she is really pretty, trust me behind that beauty there is uglyness..like she may have a bad personality, In one of the hadith Rasulullah SAW mentioned, if you marry someone for her beauty, then you will only get her beauty, but Allah swt cannot promise happiness..but Allah SWT promise, if you want happiness in marriage find a wife that is close to Allah swt and will help the husband to bring him closer to Allah swt and vice versa...
The journey of my life has been more tough than easy..and Allah swt has been very fair to me about not giving me a perfect life..and poeple that are close to me will know that...
1 of biggest lesson i have learnt from my mother is to accept rezeki masing2.. some Allah swt give them money but not happiness..while others Allah SWT may give happiness but not money..and others of course, but either way, Allah swt has promised in fairness within all the ummah...and we as muslims should always believe that...Life is full of dugaan..and all this dugaan is to see whether we become closer to Allah swt or syaitan...
happiness comes from within...its what we make out of our on life...because we can never be happy with what we have, if we keep wanting what other people have..please remember that girls...Be appreciative with what we already have in life...then mashaAllah you will find yourself having a sense of peace within you...
Having a nikah like mine, does not guarantee me happiness in my marriage...having the most beautiful wedding, does not give anybody easy happiness in life...look at celebrity weddings for example, they have everything, money, looks, and million dollar weddings, and yet they are not happy...and get divorce after a very short period of time...
A happy marriage, comes from alot of effort from both sides..inshaAllah..May Allah swt, bless us with baraqah and happiniess in our marriage..
I just want to say don't envy for what others have,because you don't know the story behind it...
for myself it took me years of dugaan filled with cheatings, lies, heartbreaks even physical abuse and death before even meeting my hubby now...
even after we met, like everyone else, there are up and downs to every relationship...
and that my dear girls is the reality of life
Kenduri rumah Makcik
Kalau arwah Ibu masih ada lagi, mesti Ibu pun dah sibuk juga sebelum puasa
buat kenduri sambut puasa.
Ingat lagi tahun 2021, dalam bulan April Ib...
2 days ago
sometimes we cant help but feeling envy , but sometimes people envy us, its the norm kan sab. but reading ur blog, i can sense that 'something good happened to this girl'. even if we all knew u thru blog, but we can catch a glimpse of the inside. ur a beautiful girl inside and out and please stay that way. :).
couldnt agree more~
luv ur entry, it makes me into tears. still not to late to say congratulations on ur luvly wedding n semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat, aminnn...
well said sabby ;)
we have to be greatful for what we have.
I pray for u happiness and lots of love in your live.
ur entry is really heart-felt and so so so true and important for everyone to remember (especially us girls)that "Allah swt has promised in fairness within all the ummah"
we always tend to see what other people have, and forget to be grateful for our own blessings :)
hope u keep blogging & Selamat pengantin Baru
masya allah..
setuju sangat :)
Ya Allah,
I rasa ashamed with myself when i read entry u ni. Sometimes, i lupe n x bersyukur dgn rezeki yg i dpt.
Thanks so much coz ia menyedarkan i.
Btw, congrats on ur wedding!
I'am strongly agree with u sab..we have to work hard to get what we want in life..plus tawakal to Allah s.w.t..
::btul tu dear..kadang2 kita rasa x cukup jer..apa yang kita dapat ni lah rezeki yg kita patut bersyukur..:D..::
sab just to add, all of us have a very beautiful life, sometimes we are just too blind to see it..
well said sis..couldn't agree more..everyone should feel sgt2 syukur untuk setiap apa yg kita ada kerna apa yg kita ada mungkin org lain tak memilikinya..sekadar berkongsi =)
Sab, like ur post :) It makes me realize how much we should appreciate for wat we have and stop comparing wit others kan...thanks for sharing
What a Beautiful Post... Truth and nothing else but the truth... Thank you...
sgt2 setuju!
dugaan mmg sentiasa mengiringi perjalanan kehidupan.the best thing is, haus bersyukur dgn rezeki yg telah Allah swt berikan. for me, yg paling penting, keberkatan di dunia & akhirat drNya.insyallah =)
currently reading ur nikah souvenier book =) thanks a lot sab!
i love this entry sab. Thank You.
those are beautiful words. thanks for posting.
Sab, im down to tears. Entry u sangat touching. Reminds me of life and who am i. I shud be thankful with what I have. Sumtimes kite lupe and leka bout all this thing ek? Thank you sbb menyedarkan i. I love this entry! Thank you Sab.
agreed with your words...and make me realized how not grateful i am when i don't get whatever i wish for...(sometimes)
usually we tend to think that way when we compared our life with others which may not a very good thing to do..and expect for the perfection in every single thing we do in life
Whatever, we'll always be bless with the good thing by ALLAH SWT if we think in the positive way and be nice to other people..insyaALLAH..
agree! percaya pada rezeki ;)
sab, sedih sgt baca ur entry, yes u r definitely rite, i couldn't agree more, thanks for all the words dear...
Alhamdulillah..Thank you Sab for the reminder, once a while i need someone (or sometimes something) to remind me of the things i've always known i shud keep dear to myself..InsyaAllah..Thank you again darling.., thank you..I am really grateful.. :)
sabby good entry okay ..drpd ini i will always remember and thankful what we have ... with all this entry ..timbul segala kesedaran yea .. sob sob .. and i was istigfar ..i still learning to be a good muslim sabby ..will need your help to guide me .. thanks for this ..is really full of meaning
hai Sab!
this is such a wonderful entry.
i love it a lot :)
dear..i agree with your humble but inspirational sharing..
i sometimes..also having same feeling like others..why are some people sooo perfect..got everything in their lives?happiness..richness..but sometimes i forgot something..
there are people who is not so fortunate like all of us like OKU..dont compare urself with people better than u but compare with people worse than u..then you will bersyukur..
congrats for your weddong..cant wait for mine this christmas..pray for me too girl :)
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