I have to do this entry, because after posting my henna on my hand, i have received a few emails saying concern about the hukum of ukiran henna on my hand...
and the best part is, me and our beautiful blogger Fathiyah, actually discussed about this before my wedding...
A while ago there was an article by datuk Abu Hassan, that shocked everyone when he mentioned that patern henna is haram...I got a shocked because i've been wearing henna non stop at my toe nails for years now, and many times i just add some patern on it, just for the fun of it....So i had to do more research on it to find out what is the hukum henna in Islam
During the time of our Prophet SAW, Henna was used very widely...Rasulullah SAW sangat menggalakkan untuk guna inai, to put on the head, or skin..kebanyakkan penggunaan because Henna/inai ada health qualities.
Below is some example of many2 hadith (tapi mmg ada byk lagi, i ambil 2 je.. yg Rasulullah SAW galakkan...
Umm Salma (R) narrates: "In the life of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh), no injury or thorn piercing was treated on which Henna was not applied." (Tirmidhi, Sanad Ahmed)
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: A woman made a sign from behind a curtain to indicate that she had a letter for the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him). The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) closed his hand, saying: I do not know this is a man's or a woman's hand. She said: No, a woman. He SAW said: If you were a woman, you would make a difference to your nails, meaning with henna. (Book #33, Hadith #4154
p/s:because of this hadith I think men should stay away from decorative henna and maintain using it for health reasons example henna on the hair but not on the hands during weddings.
Because I'm a heavy user of inai, i dah tanya beberapa pendapat from great scholars a few Islamic scholars, all educated from Madinah, that follows Islam according to Quran and Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad SAW , ini yang i fahamkan daripada jawapan diorg...
Inai is sangat berbeza dari tatoo. Tatoo memang haram, Memang Allah SWT dah terang2 haramkan tusukkan at our skin, dgn sebab wudu' and memudaratkkan. Uztaz also mention, kita tidak boleh samakan hukum inai dengan hukum tatoo. Tatoo lukisan kekal tapi inai hanya sementara. Jika ada creatif lukisan corak2, pada uztaz tiada masalah. He also mention, not even once Rasulullah SAW menyamakan inai and tatoo.
Bagi hadith yg dipetik oleh Uztaz Abu Hassan tu, if you read it again pun, terang2 kat hadith to mention perempuan yang dilaknat Allah SWT is yang mengukir dengan tusukan(alat pengukir), hence this hadith is more on tatoo not Henna drawing...He went on saying, When it comes to hukum Haram, Allah SWT always explains it in specific, jarang hukum haramnya yg tak mention in detail in Islam..Like in this issue,Tatoo memang disebut haram, but if you read every single hadith about henna in Islam, esp hadith sahiih, is All on penggunaan Henna by the muslims during the time of Rasulullah SAW...
Greats scholars also mention that we should never haramkan apa yg Allah swt halalkan, esp yang baik utk kesihatan like henna and Kohl untuk mata...
Having said all of this, that is why, lukisan henna on hands and leg is widely done by the female Arabs esp kat saudi esp during Raya...Ada yg cakap, tak boleh sebab menyerupai adat India, on the contrary, Henna origins came from middle east, after a few abad baru it went to India, and south Asia...
Allah Knows best...
May All muslims stay away from All Amalan Bidaah ans esp syirk, and follow Islam, according to the Quran and the teachings of our Propher Muhammad SAW. Amiiin....
p/s: anil is right, corak henna of binatang and humans mmg NOT ALLOWED...also if anybody yg jumpa any hadith yg mention than henna is haram, do email me k...
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3 days ago
b4 this ai pn igt xnk pki henna yg lukis2 tu..huhu well,tht's quite an info..thx sis. blh la pakai nnt ;)
Thank u sooo much for this entry. I was contemplating to wear this or not during my wedding later.
Bcoz my granny wont allowed me to wear something like decorative henna. But I love it. I'll try to slow talk her. ^_^
so boleh pakai la ni? yahoooo!!!!!
apela wedding tanpa inai kan...thanks for sharing, gorgeous!
ell...i hope the info helps..if you read more hadith, ada byk lagi on ussage of henna was practise widely during the time of rasulullah SAW
squarecut ring:yes dear, must always remind everyone, jgn sanakan hukum tatoo with inai..n never once during the time of prophet
Muhammad SAW did he forbid the women from wearing henna
That's what I thought too. But My granny dah remind me like thousand times. huuu. I'll talk to her. Hope she's okay. ^_^ thanx a lot Sab.
Sabby.. such a good & useful info...
Thanks for sharing!
zla:inshaAllah..so far i tak jumpa lagi anything yg mengharamkan inai..tapi tatoo (means tusuk inside body) mmg byk that mentions its haram.
squarecut:tulah..i pun pelik sgt dulu, why everyone keeps saying me wearing inai is wrong..i pun sedih at first..i'm so glad, after asking so many islamic scholars, they have all agreed that its not haram...
syebi: mashaAllah,i'm so gald... inshaAllah, may all the hadith qudsi, sahih and hasan be usefull to all the muslims..
Thanks for the info.. it really clear things up. =)
yg corak2 binatang yg x digalakkan kalau x silap i..
alhamdulillah baru rasa lega sikit nak pakai henna kat tangan ni.. memang niat takdelah nak buat heavy berukir2 so okay lah kot...
thanks sab!
tp mmg de dgr yg henna ni x leh..ade hukum la but x tau la pe hukum ye..x silap sy ustaz harun din yg ckp..ape pun google la sndirik ek..sbb mmg pnh dgr ceramah die..
thebubblyme: inshaAllah..should there be any corrections do inform me k..
anil: yup2 you betul, better i put at the post..thanks for the info
ami: tulah...inshaAllah...asalkan we always remind ourselves not to buat to menunjuk2 kan....
hidayah:well ada a few bloogers that told me Uztaz harun din yg mention..but i still havnet found proff yg he said its haram...but i found an article by uztaz datuk abu hassan, dia yg cakap henna is haram..perhaps u can tanyakan at uztaz harun din, to why henna is haram?? and do share it with all of us...
thanks sab for the info ;) mucos mucos gracias, very very informative ;)
::thnkz the info sab..baru lega nak pakai..::
Thanks for the info Sabby ;) to be honest, i xpernah pakai inai before xcept for during my wedding.. There's always a first time for everything kan? My grandma is a heavy inai user too.. She said, if xpakai inai, she feels jari2 dia pucat jek.. N im soo used to seeing her with inai.. Ouh, talking abt her makes me misses her plak :(
p/s: sorry lari skit dari topik but thanks dear ;)
thanks for the info dear. I did not knw if its haram or just fine for men wearing henna, but taking into account your justification, I guess it's definitely wrong. Lelaki pakai henna is like adat to some people, and others tend to follow the culture kan?
Sis, thanks for sharing dis info. (^_^)
i read an article by dato Abu Hassan dn said tht wearing henna with patern is haram, shud we believe or not? to me, i dont prefer henna with patern..just a simple one..just an indicator tht u r just married =)
Hi sab,
I heard bout the same thing too. Tpi i takde pulak study sape yg mention etc. Masa my wedding tat day i just pakai inai je..but hand deco tu tak buat pun. Rasa rugi la pulak tak buat haritu
dear, i xsure la about this, sbb haritu pernah kluar kt al-kuliyyah, (can't remember sape penceramah), saying that henna ukir2 tu similar to tattoo (sbb painting/art on body/skin), so its haram..but if inai yg kt kuku tu, its ok..
now that u make this entry, i pon xsure dah rite now.. hmm.. i kene tny ustaz2 lg ni..
mungkin yang disamakan dgn tattoo is corak2 yang dibuat. sbb itu ade pendapat yg mengatakan haram. pada zaman Rasulullah, mungkin inai dipakai pada kuku je. dan xde tatoo dibuat pada kuku. jadi xde persamaan
apa pun kalau mujtamak ulama' kata haram, siapalah kita yg bukan ulama' utk buat hukum kan. tp sy xtahu bagaimana pendapat ulama' muktabar yg lain.mungkin boleh kongsi bersama
byk sgt hukum hakam dah tak tau mane satu yg btol. as for me, after i dah tanya org agama yg i percayai, so dgn ini i umumkan i akan pakai henna lukis2 kat tgn tu for my wedd. haha!
malas kan nk dgr ckp2 org lain? asalkan i x rasa was2 n dah dapat assurance dr org celik agama, i believe what i'm doing is not haram di sisi agama. :)
Assalamu'alaikum. yg saya tahu Dato' Hasan Din didn't mention henna is haram since byk dalil yg mengharuskan pemakaian henna pd perempuan..
yg saya tau dia cuma kata inai yg menyerupai tatto adalah haram termasuk inai yg dilukis tu..
i agree mgkn zaman Nabi SAW xde yg melukis inai dijari, cuma meletakkankannya di hujung jari...in that case, we should follow what current ulama' says...so called ijma' ulama' opinion...
lebih baik utk mengelakkan perkara syubhah krn ia menghampiri haram...
sofia syanaim: thanks dearies
nat:kan my grandma pun sama, we hv been putting henna since we were small..masa tu tube henna takda. so we pick them from the tree and giling it..ohh those were the days, a lot of fun..
aida:yes..but likt i mentioned earlier, men wearing henna for health reaosns mashaAllah is encourage...esp yg nak cover grey hair..hehehe
opiya:thanks you
azira: hehehe...kan its always nice whenever we wear henna
ddiana:takpe, can wear henna anytime its not restricted to wedding je kan..that is the best part..i always do it, even masa bukan kahwin...
su & anonymous: you see to me Allah swt haramkan tatoo because of the tusukan in our body...but Islam never haramkan lukisan of flowers or any pattern except for lukisan human and animals..I've asked more than 3 local & international scholars and all of them agree that hukum inai and hukum tatoo tidak disamakan ..like anonymous mentioned henna and tattoo is completely diff.
personally to me if you are waswas about the hukum by all means stay away... I'm very confident that it can be done, because Rasulullah SAW didnt mention to the Ummah wearing henna on kuku is harus but if kena skin jadi haram hence why the henna wearing culture is practice widely amongst muslims esp in the middle east .....Allah SWT knows best..
Elly: kan..to me if waswas jgn buat..tapi i personally pun dah confident boleh..inshaAllah...
amaani: the pendapat i mentioned in my blog, is not something that i created myself suka hati but opinions by great scholar of Islam...if you want to know their names personally do email me...i can also give you their qualifications and education level...
in Islam Rasululah SAW always makes the haram things very clear...and there is no dalil on meharamkan inai..but ALL the hadith is on penggunaan inai during the time of Rasulullah SAW.
on the contrary i think this matter is closer to harus then haram..only a very small group of ulama yg mengharamkan inai dgn sebab menyerupai tatoo..
but most of them has agreed that hukum henna tidak boleh disamakan dgn hukum tattoo..atas sebab, pengharaman tattoo is because of tusukan to the body, and its forever and memudaratkan kesihatan and tak bolek wudu and mandi wajib..
whereas henna takde 1 pun of the qualities of tattoo except its applied n the skin..henna is a natural plant, yg sementara in the skin, sampai henna is the only colouring yg ALlah swt made it very clear we can ambil wudu' with it..
having said all of this like i have mentioned earlier if you are waswas stay away...Alhamdulillah I'm confident that wearing henna on our skin is halal...
yes, please do....my mail izzah_amaani@yahoo.com.my...
willing to share...jazakallah...
thanx for the info sab.. :))
last week i ade talk session ngn ustaz on this matter..ustaz nie die mmg amek course yg mendalami Al-Quran n As-sunnah..
he explained exactly based on hadith yg u mention 2.
as per his explaination, yes wanita can wearing henna yg bercorak sptmana zaman Rasulullah S.A.W. yg m'galakkan kaum hawa pki henna utk mmbezakan tgn lelaki n tgn prmpuan..
tp ustaz 2 kata, xboleh pki henna dgn corak2 binatang spt scorpian,etc.
hey babe...cant help myself to write this down...if i'm not mistaken, the reason why wearing henna is haram only applicable yg ada corak2 tu because menyerupai adat perkahwinan hindu...and the youngsters nowadays wear henna as tatoo replacement since tak boleh tatoo kan...kalau pakai kat jari no harm since inai itself ada benefits to the user...
and if u notice wearing henna for wedding is only an adat melayu and i'm not sure dalam hadith ada mention about this ke tak...
u can refer to this website on hindu wedding (http://www.weddingdetails.com/lore/hindu.cfm)...sama jugak dengan adat melenggang perut and menepung tawar...
again,what is done is done...but we can never stop learning kan?sama2 kita menimba ilmu sampai ke China :-))
-blogless girl-
amaani: sis you've got mail
syaz: alhamdulillah..thank you...
aleeya: yes indeed, the uztaz yg i tanya pun is very strict on Quran and Sunnah...and i very well agree with you...we must stay away from corak animals and humans..
blogless girl: thank yo very much for sharing the indian tradition..and i very much agree it haram for us to follow other cultures..
but on henna issue for you to say its haram, Rasulullah SAW mentioned Haram is something that needs to be based on Nass (evidence expressed clearly in the Quran or Sunnah.
During the time of the prophet SAW he encourage Muslims to use henna.if it was following with the indian culture, then he SAW would hv forbided henna ussage for Muslims back then, but Rasulullah SAW, never once he mention that wearing patern henna is Haram..During that time as well, alot of times henna is applied on the skin for wounds, never once he reminded the Ummah to make sure henna aplied on the skin is not shaped like any flower or pattern..and then woman should wear it only on the nails, and not touch the skin.
like i've mentioned in my blog henna was from the middle east first then it went to india, so the practise we are following is originated from middle east not India..
I also mentioned in my blog, that the aplication for henna is general for everyday use, because i have been wearing henna non stop on my nails for alhamdulillah 3 years now, and very often do henna drawing for my skin and not just during my wedding day..
The time of Rasulullah SAW , henna was considered as halal cosmetic for muslim women.
but for our time, if a bride wants to look beautiful by appliying henna on the skin, i see no harm in that...but if a bride do it, just for the sake of completing the adat without understanding the concept of wearing henna in Islam, then i agree perhaps it might be a problem....
perhaps for more detail we can exchange it at my e-mail sabsabby22@gmail.com. i think its a lot more aprropriate..
this matter is so small to be arguing in so much detail..
perhaps we should discuss on more major things like aqidah or even syirk...and why a lot of poeple die in syrik padahal they are muslims who never sembah to other gods..or why only 70k muslims sahaja from the time of Rasululah SAW till the end of time enters Jannah straight..and the rest of us,has to enter HELL first and if Allah SWT forgives us we get to enter jannah..Allahuakhbar..Allah SWT knows best...
sab, this is totally unrelated to the topic. but i've sent an email to you few weeks ago and don't know if you have received them or not. if you don't tell me and i'll send again to you.
moose dear what is it regarding???maybe i terlepas kot..i have tried my very best to reply all emails...inshaAllah..
betul sab, sblom ni, mmg i pun confuse whether bole ke pakai yg berukir2 tu :D thanks for sharing this info :)
Assalamu'alaikum to all,
Agree with sis Sab...khilaf @ diff opinion between scholar happen all the time...but, only in furu' matter...which Allah and Nabi SAW didn't mention it in detail or when it only happen in current situation..and it should never affect aqidah as Muslim...good example for us is diff hukum stated by the 4 Imams on wearing henna and batal wudu'...
ulama' will come out with certain hukum only after they studied deeply..so, we cannot simply claim it is not Islam thought, it's bid'ah, murtad, syirik etc..
and, we have adab in Islam when to speak out our opinion..listen to what others say and make sure it come with the sahih dalil and right scholar ijtihad when it come to hukum..
last but not least, it is better for us to stay away from syubhah...insya'Allah we will far from haram..
have a nice life...pray for our Muslim family in Pakistan,South Thai and....
p/s: TQ to sis Sab for this open discussion...
just to share... when it comes to inai ni, kena tengok fr banyak perspective. One, inai ni original dr pokok n tumbuk buat sendiri ka? if that's the case guarantee tak dak bahan2 yg membolehkan dia jadi haram. Tapi yg jual ready made tu dah campur bahan2 lain so that shelf life can be extended. There may be some element of was2 here of what goes in there. So, kalau haram .. maka bukan sahaja mencemarkn akad nikah malah apa jadi ngan mandi wajib semua.. sebab benda haram tu menghalang air bg sampai ke anggota badan kita. Next, wudhu camna pula.. kalau mandi wajib pun tak sah..
This also applies to henna for hair coloring.
Another perspective, inai basic yg simple tu is acceptable dr zaman berzaman lagi.. coz Islam promotes simplicity. Bila berlebih2, in this case pattern menjalar2 ka is not simple anymore by Islamic std tu yang jadi haram. Camtu juga dengan make-up lebih2 jadi haram. Kita berbalik pd basic priciples - SIMPLE.
just to share... when it comes to inai ni, kena tengok fr banyak perspective. One, inai ni original dr pokok n tumbuk buat sendiri ka? if that's the case guarantee tak dak bahan2 yg membolehkan dia jadi haram. Tapi yg jual ready made tu dah campur bahan2 lain so that shelf life can be extended. There may be some element of was2 here of what goes in there. So, kalau haram .. maka bukan sahaja mencemarkn akad nikah malah apa jadi ngan mandi wajib semua.. sebab benda haram tu menghalang air bg sampai ke anggota badan kita. Next, wudhu camna pula.. kalau mandi wajib pun tak sah..
This also applies to henna for hair coloring.
Another perspective, inai basic yg simple tu is acceptable dr zaman berzaman lagi.. coz Islam promotes simplicity. Bila berlebih2, in this case pattern menjalar2 ka is not simple anymore by Islamic std tu yang jadi haram. Camtu juga dengan make-up lebih2 jadi haram. Kita berbalik pd basic priciples - SIMPLE.
i emailed you something about bali. if you havent received it never mind, i can just re-send it to you again.
mashallah sabby, well done in making yourself clear - arguing clearly based on the sunnah of our dear beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I cannot help but to see that there is a huge distinction between people who argue with sahih hadiths and a person who refers to weak hadiths or just opinions of certain Uztas. You are are clearly the former. Thanks for putting up this post. I hope it shall make a lot of the sisters to start referring to a teacher who is clear on his/ her dalil.
Jazakallah khair,
sue...alhamdulillah jazakkallah...ohh but i must learn alot more...inshaALlah..May Allah SWT guide all of us to gain more knowledge in Islam..Ameen..
yang i tau henna ni kalau di lukis seperti ada bentuk haiwan itu adalah haram tdk pada bunga-bungaan ..but yaa ..may b u know better than me ..but this is a good info sabby ..keep it up dear .. :)
Hi Salam,
Just my 2 cents to share with you all. I do agree that wearing henna is permissible in Islam for Muslim. However, the hadeeth shows that the henna is being put plain on ‘nails’ or 'palm' or 'hands' or the wearer might be having some disease where wearing henna is permissible to cure/soothe the pain. They don’t ‘draw designs or decorations’ on their hands and neither men nor women look at it as beautification because it has no designs at all.
If it is in a form of beautification then we need to look into a more serious question, asking ourselves what are our intention when we do this decoration?
It is reported that Mu’awiyyah (radee Allaahu ‘anhu) gave a sermon in Greater Syria and in it he mentioned that the Prophet (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) prohibited seven things and he named tabarruj as one of them.
‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood (radee Allaahu ‘anhu) reported that the Prophet (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to dislike ten kinds of behavior and he (‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood) mentioned that from amongst them is displaying and beautification which is done in an improper place.
Jalaal-ud-Deen as-Suyuti (d.911H) (rahimahullaah) said that: “Tabarruj by displaying beautification is showing off to strangers and this is disliked.” This is the explanation of the meaning of ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood’s statement “improper place”, it is not the case if the beautification is done for the husband.
As Muslims, we must always keep in mind that everything that we do must be for the sake of Allah, and we must always be humble. Because everything depends upon our niyaah/intention, and Allah the al-mighty know what is hidden in our hearts.
Therefore, I sincerely hope that our Muslimah sisters would take into account of this henna issue. Yes, it is permissible to wear, but how do they Muslimahs wear it, and what is your intention of wearing it? It is not about the ‘permissible on wearing henna, because it is clearly allowed’ but it is about ‘the ‘niyaah/intention’ to wear henna’.
Shouldn’t we humble ourselves and wear it modestly by following the sunnah way, because tabarruj is definitely prohibited in Islam.
Allah knows best.
salam sis anonymous...thank you very much for sharing the info...and to remind all of us on Tabarruj...Alhamdulillah...
But like I've mentioned at the entry on my blog, wedding or not, i'm a very heavy user of henna paste ( i top up my henna every month), because of my skin and nail condition..I've asked many opinions on this situation, and whether or not i'm allowed to add some patern on my skin, just for the fun of it, so it will not look so wierd having orange hands and toes....Alhamdulillah, so far all of them had not mention anything wrong with it,or that I should stop doing it inshaAllah...
Allah swt know best...
tq 4 d info..sgt lega sbb im also a heavy user of henna.. :)
tetapi.... sila rujuk hadith ini:
"Barangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum maka ia dikira termasuk ke dalam golongan itu. (Riwayat Ahmad dan Abu Dawud dari Ibnu Umar r.a)"
Kaum Arab pakai Inai- ada kaum Arab yang islam, Kaum India pakai Inai ada kaum India dari berbabagai bagai agama, Inai ialah universal.....macam sirih ramai Islam dan bukan islam amkan Sirih
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