Kenduri rumah Makcik
Kalau arwah Ibu masih ada lagi, mesti Ibu pun dah sibuk juga sebelum puasa
buat kenduri sambut puasa.
Ingat lagi tahun 2021, dalam bulan April Ib...
2 days ago
Rasulullah SAW said, "When a person commits illegal sexual intercourse, he is not a believer at the time of committing it; and if he steals, he is not a believer at the time of stealing; and if he drinks an alcoholic drink, when he is not a believer at the time of drinking it;." I asked Ibn Abbas, "How is faith taken away from him?" He said, Like this," by clasping his hands and then separating them, and added, "But if he repents, faith returns to him like this," by clasping his hands again.
sab, i loveeeeeeeee them all.
moreover, its from daniel zain.
heheheh the best ever.
sedeh i tgk pic when u hug ur mom.
bestnye if i can hug my abah after nikah :(
hey dear, thanks so much..I'm so sorry you couldnt hug your dad after sorry to hear that...tapi hug my mum sedih sgt..heehee...
i loved those pics too!! DZ is fabulous!!
congrats again sab. u make such a beautiful bride. i was showing my mom DZ's blog and urs came up and she was "sapa tu sapa tu". ahhaha
wonderful pic by DZ..i love it too.
cantik sangat!!!!!
nahwal-indeed daniel is a very good photographer mashaAllah...hehehe..gambar dia semua magical..hehehe..cepat2 book dia...hehehe..
ainul-kan, i sgt recommended him as a photographer..
lea-mashaAllah...thank you so much...
sab!!!what a beautiful wedding!!!u're gorgeous.....!
OMG sangat2 cantik okehh =p... luv it.. congratss ye Sab..
you're so beautiful...
cantiknya gambar and u sab as well, very momentssssss sangat gambar ni..
Perfect. =)
cantikknye gambar nih ...nampak sangat emotionalnyer god job to your photographer ..
ooowh sgt cantik,,,n sgt touchingggg hehe
beautiful pics and wedding <3
I stumbled upon ur blog while gathering info on Daniel Zain... I see he does indeed make stunning jobs.
DO you mind sharing with me his pricing ?
Thanks ! =)
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