just exquisite
Rasulullah SAW said, "When a person commits illegal sexual intercourse, he is not a believer at the time of committing it; and if he steals, he is not a believer at the time of stealing; and if he drinks an alcoholic drink, when he is not a believer at the time of drinking it;." I asked Ibn Abbas, "How is faith taken away from him?" He said, Like this," by clasping his hands and then separating them, and added, "But if he repents, faith returns to him like this," by clasping his hands again.
alololo comey cake ni sab...
tp mcm kecil sikit- i sekali ngapppp da settle..hehe
nice cake!!
nad, cake kecik2 comel..hehehe...
thanks amy...
sab me too loves it.
white... plain... shcweett :)
heart plain!!
all time fav...heheh
kan simple is lovely...but not all kan...some people rasa bazir pay so much lepas tu decoration sikit sangt..ohh but i love it...
if i make the cake pun maybe ikut advise naddynad, besarkan sikit the cake yg sgt comel ini...
like this
I heart gateauxlicious cakes..
perfect choice
sab : hehe betul2...*sep sikit-:)
beautiful cake la sab ..like that ..u just same like me suka yang simple dan plain hehehe ..but i think cake nih dah ok cuma letak some of pearl must be stunning ... i like this cake ..3 tiars dah cukup ok cuma size kasi lebih ..tau ..hehehehe nice choice dear ..
aurinh, yes i love them..dahlah the aunty so baik..i love them...dah about 5 times we order from them...beautiful and sedap...
nad: *sep hehe
sha, betul 3 layers enough..but me always feel less is better..hehehe...so dont trust sgt my taste..
simple but nice n sweet mcm u jgk!
thanks anil..hehhe.
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