Here are some raugh guidelines on how our prophet SAW guided us on weddings in Islam..Allahu Akhbar...
1) Choose the right partner: 'men can choose women because of their wealth, position, beauty and agama,if utamakan the agama, thus u will profit from it' hadith bukhari and Muslim. 'as for the women, if comes a guy with good iman and akhlak, then marry him' hadith tarmidzi, hadis hasan(baik) menurut al-Albaniy.
2) Akad nikah at a suitable place. Paling afdal is in Masjid (but take note that women in mentruation(inclusive of bride and guests) are not allowed in the praying area, corridor/hall is allowed though). 'pukullah kompang' Hadis (hassan a.k.a good) ahmad and Tarmidzi
3) No such thing as hantaran is yes if u dont hv anough money ITS OK not to have hantaran. If ada rezeki by all means (but don't forget to be humble because we if niat to riya', riya' hukum is syirik. The only thing that is WAJIB in nikah is the MAHAR(mas kahwin) firman Allah SWT in surrah al nisaa ayat no 4.(refer to alquran). the amount of the mas kahwin is determined by both the future bride and grooms family. The less burden the guy gets from collecting the mahar, the more Allah s.w.t will berkat the marriage, (refer to hadith sahih Iman Ahmad) also (hadith muslim, al-hakim, & ibnu Majah :- 'sebaik-baik mas kahwin ialah mas kahwin yang paling mudah dan ringan'
4) Give out Favours during nikah, Rasullulah SAW galakkan us to give out manisan ex:dates(kurma) during the nikah
5) Isytiharkan ur nikah kepada as many poeple as you can, so we dont create any fitnah.
6) As for the walimah, in Islam it says that 'adakanlah majlis walimah walaupun dengan seekor kambing' hadith muslim, clearly here shows that even those who don't have that much money still can afford to get married. & yes, for those with more rezeki, having wedding in hotels, halls, is still allowed in Islam, as long as your niat is not to menunjuk-nunjuk, Para tetamu has both the rich and the poor.'Rasulullah SAW says:- the worst of walimah is those who only invited the rich, and forgetting the poor' hadith bukhari and Muslim.
And hindarkan segala adat yang against Islam esp those came from other religion and culture example. 'Rasulullah SAW says 'anyone yang menyerupai adat suatu kaum, maka that person will termasuk dalam that kaum', hadith Ahmad and Abu Daud.( now this can be a big sin if the adat we are following is amongst the non believer)
7) It's Sunnah for the guests to congratulate the newlywed
8) Malam pertama, solat jemaah together (solat wajib and solat sunat) for Allah SWT will berkat a marriage when it starts the right way.
This are the only 8 things needed for a muslim there is no such thing as kahwin nowadays is expensive, It will only be mahal if u want it to be mahal (life is all about choices). Allah s.w.t has made things so simple for everyone. It is up to us whether we want to follow the simple way. Marriage is sangat digalakkan in Islam, so I don't think we should go around telling people how expensive wedding is nowadays and how hard it is to do it.Why not instead, show people how in Islam we don't need to do things the hard way.
I went to 2 weddings 2007, the brides came from very rich families (who had their own private jet,helicopter, private yatch and many2 cars)... 1 wedding they spent RM5k total, the other one was below RM20k, after realizing there is so much more in life than just a huge grand wedding. One of them decided to give the rest of the money to the pakistan earthquake victims instead. InsyaAllah the good deed they did was accepted and rewarded by Allah s.w.t.
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Salam semua,
Dalam era A.I, macam-macam social media sini sana, terkejut pula kita
terima Utusan Diraja. Auto tergambar vibe muzik klasik, majlis raja-ra...
3 days ago
A good reminder to us brides-to-be for keeping our feet firmly on the ground. Kalau tak, dah beria2 plan for our dream weddings :p
tertarik dgn yg no 4.. :)
but the last one tu, sgt menginsafkan..:) dia selalu berbuat baik dengan org yang memerlukan, Tuhan pun akan murahkan rezeki dia..
Kalau la masyarakat kita semua ikut yang 8 ni.. kan senang.. ;)
intresting baca entry kamu kali ini..ya need to spend a lot for our wedding..terpulang pada masing2..kan?
good notes. thanks.
am really not into hantarans. dont know why? hehe
insyaallah my hantaran for nikah all manisan, sireh junjung, tepak, mas kahwin and ring. seriously.
** cerita psl diri sendiri pulak :D
we being an excited bride 2b can get too overwhelmed over other weddings at times but when we sit alone w our partners,we then realize wut matters the most is nikah.nevertheless we girls change our minds our ideas n parents might clash wic sometimes ended up either too simple or overly spent
entri yg bagus Sab!!! :)
hehe...this entry is a reminder for myself actually...
plus many people have commented on our wedding preparation, and mainly ada org yg dah sumpah we all cakap ohh kalau tak ikut adat nanti tak happy your marriage... geram sgt...
so i had to do research and find out how is it in Islam we are suppose to do our wedding.
and my parents kahwin palinglah takda adat, mashaAllah sudah lebih 30 tahun. their wedding RM ratus je.
salam sab
dah lama follow ur blog but never leave a comment.
totally agree wif u.biar berserderhana dlm apa pun.yg penting blessing from Allah.rahmat dr DIA lah yg menyatukan dua hati.sentiasa takut pdNYA.our parents marriage kekal until now sbb berkat dr Allah.majlis walimahnya sederhana.mashallah.
sab,ur mum advice from ur previous entry sgt sama mcm mak nak kawen dlu,mcm2 mak advice supaya kte tak over excited.mak igt kan kte sentiasa bersyukur kerna DIA mempertemukan kte dgn jodoh yg baik.insyallah.
sab,u dah booked ur makeup artist?
just my 2 cent.plhlah makeup artist wanita.senang for u to jaga ur aurat.insyallah :)
salam kenal sab :) fathiyah
thanks for sharing sab ;) betul tu, diri sendiri yg patut lebih tahu mcmmana impian perkahwinan yg diidamkan ;)
this in enlightening :) thanks for sharing sab :)
sab!! great and informative entry..LOVE it.."It will only be mahal if u want it to be mahal (life is all about choices)"---> i like :)
hope n pray for the best for ur wedding my dear.. muah!! will use ur bla as panduan when its my turn (bile lh tu??) hehe...
dear,thanks for sharing this!!
bagus untuk muahasabah & panduan semua.
i agree with diah as times, we're too overwhelmed of the wedding preps that we forgets what truly importants to make a marriage'll be having the ceremonies for only 2-3 days time (mostly) but what comes after that is the most crucial part.the bride needs to be prepared being a wife & insha Allah a mother. building a family institution is not easy, or so i've heard.the question to ask is,how do we strive to become a solehah wifey.
thanks again for the inspiring post.*hugs* ;)
hai sab..slame ni jadik ur silent reader je. really good article with hujah2 sari hadis yang mantap. :) thanks for sharing. I link ur blog @ mine :)
tepok dada tnye selera yg pntg nawaitu kita utk berkahwin itu sendiri..dan kehidupan berumh tngga sgt jaoh pntg drpd keterujaan kita dlm melakukan impian perkahwinan milik stp pengantin itu sndiri kan...
salam sis,
Praise Allah. I love this entry :) Keep feeding us with more info like this okay?
May you be blessed always.
Rubina Yunal
Waalaikummussalam wbt rubina...
jazakillah khair..inshaAllah, i will update more soon...
It's totally a good entry!kudos to u dear..
yg pasti i dah masukkan dlm list i no 4 u tuh..
sangat menginsafkan diri..huhu..kena buat reminder nih supaya sentiasa ingat..biasalah kan,kdg2 terlupa..excited punye pasal..lagi2la i 1st yg kawen in my family..hehe
Owh Sab...thank u for reminding me to be grounded.. kadang manusia mudah alpa dgn tuntutan masyarakat.. life isn't meant to be about going along with majority..
May Allah bless you always..
ann..thank you so much..dont worry i pun kadang2 terlebih excited..hehehe.i also forget..nasib baik i have my mother to keeo remiding me......
legal me yours..mashaAllah you are very much welcome...yes is very true...inshaAllah Allah swt will reward, for being part of the minority that follows how a proper muslim wedding should be..ameen...
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