the journey all in all is mashaAllah still so beautiful..its amazing your life changes for this small tiny little baby...
today i want to share about my milk...
alhamdulillah i manage to breastfeed him to the last 3 months.
and also alhamdulillah i manage to find something yg trigger my milk so is the story..
during my pantang time, alhamdulillah susu semua just baby drinks alot, some people manage to pump n store milk, for myself..mmg susah..everytime i try pump, i get only like 1 or 2oz je..tu pun after that my baby akan bangun n get so angry coz milk macam dah habis...i pumped a few times je..after that i told myself, tak payalah.since milk not yet enough...
after pantang, of course the first place we visited was rumah my metua...n suddenlywhen i was there my milk jadi byk..finally i started pumping...n then balik my house..milk ok, balik just enough...not engorged anymore
n then the next week visited my metua again...n again my milk byk sampai engorged, even after baby dah minum..and again when i balik my house dia ok balik...back to supply n demand...
the 3rd time i pergi, again it happened, this time we stayed for almost a week, n my engorged was so bad, sampai tak tido malam, just sibuk pump n pump...i felt alhamdulilah rezeki, tapi susah jugak, coz i was engorged like crazy..and i heard scary stories kena operate due to mastitis, infection of the breast....takut sgt
n i told myself, sure ada something kat rumah my in laws was a trigger.. so i did a lot of trial n error, to find what is it that i didnt have at my house that i took at my inlaws...nasilah, airlah, roti, bawang ..segalanya i checked..
finally guess what, we alhamdulillah manage to find out what it was...
air sarsi...(sarsaparilla)
so now i know i dont drink that much sarsi...but when i want to stock up milk, i will drink sarsi, n store all my milk..alhamdulillah now i have supply at my house, n rumah inlaws as well just incase..
well to tell the truth, when i was pregnant my morning sickness was so bad that mmg air tak masuk langsung, if i drink plain water i will muntah...and for a few months i could only drink sarsi...
oh alhamdulillah i found the thing that triggers my mum says mmg lain org lain trigger dia..for my mum it was papaya..for my 1st sis it was garlic, for my 2nd sis it was ubat Habbatus Sauda...tapi mmg lain for all of us...
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Habbatus Sauda that my sis took |
anyone else would like to share what is it that triggered your milk??
oo,lain org lain ye..kan bes kalau yun pn mcm sab,sarsi mmg feveret yun time awal2 tak sanggup nk minum milk booster dr soy porducts,sbb mmg xleh nk telan.harap2 yun pn mcm sab,minum sarsi je leh boost up milk production.. =)
yerla. i pun rasa jgak sarsarapila tu bleh tambah susu. sbb my mom's house and in law mmg berbotol2 sarsarapila ni kat umah.
lately ni jarang minum..mugkin sbb tu susu tak bpe meriah!
wow..ini cerita menarik..tkpenah dgr lagi..will share with my friend yg ssh nk produce milk jugak..hehe.thanks for sharing ya..hehe
i havent find one. :'(
not sure yet what trigger my milk..milo kot..hehe..tapi bile bace entry ni tetibe rase nak minum sarsi la. :)
Salam blogwalking,
menariknya milk booster awak adalah sarsi..penemuan baru ni..ekceli baby kita amni pun dah 3 bulan..
sy gunakan shaklee product as my milkbooster..sgt suka sbb susu nampak pekat n look yummiee..mama die lak terlebih..
btw, happy breastfeeding n hope we manage to complete the 2 years journey..
jemput la jenguk kedai saya Special product for bf mommy during Ramadhan..
trigger factor? hmmm... not really sure for me coz i've tried everything and still consuming everything.. hehe.. milktea, papaya, Alfalfa, lots of dairy stuff, radish sume.. tapi tang sarsi tu blom try... nak cuba jugak lah.. hehe.. thanks for sharing babe! :)
Try budu!hehe
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