Sorry for the long silence, it's been 3 weeks since my last update...because it's been 3 weeks since i found out that my baby yg at 32 weeks alhamdulillah dah kepala kat bawah (vertex) tiba2 at 34 weeks decided to pusing to a breech position...
Tmrw inshaAllah finally i'm going to find out the position he is in now...and whichever position he is in, i redha already, because inshaAllah i've prepared myself for it..of course kalau dapat all au-natural process would be best...also on friday we are going to see another Obgyn inshaAllah to get a 2nd opinion, just incase...
kalau breech baby ni usually ada 3 options...
1) try lahir jugak baby songsang..but most Obgyn dah tak practise this anymore because risk is too high for mummy and baby..I cannot deny from the statistics we have now, a lot more baby and mothers survive during the labour process due to modern medicine ie c-sect and epidural and etc.
2) ECV (external cephalic version)
this process is where your Obgyn tries to turn the baby, but u must be a suitable candidate to do it..sucess rate is about 60-70%...more info go here
3) or yang paling common is c-section. of course yang ni no need to go detail sebab everyone dah tahu..
last week i went to see the doctor, he did a CTG, alhamdulillah heart rate baby all mashaAllah normal... so far baby is happily kicking and playing inside my tummy..
below is some pictures i just wanted to share...actually dah a few weeks basuh all the baby bajus..heheh..everything dah ready on stand by.. most of our baby stuff we beli neutral colours, white n such because nanti senang if 2nd baby dapat girl/boy inshaAllah, senang can recycle...even big2 things like stroller, car seat, baby tub,baby bumbo semua pun we just took neutral colours...
bag pun finally at 36 weeks baru dah pack everything...i actually manage to pack all in one back( because usually I dont know how to pack light, suka bawak byk barang just incase but somebody tegur and said I'm not going holiday...hehehe...) tapi this time, muat all baju for me, habib and baby...
oh here is a video of an ECV that i found..macam scary kan....
sab - tak lah scary sangat. last time when I was a houseman selalu jer tgk my senior buat.
if they offer ECV - do try.. because at experienced hands - chances untuk dia successful high but risk end up C-section anyway still ada.
but c-section or not -- yang penting baby keluar ok.. :D
berapa kilo estimate?
air ketuban banyak tak?
kalau baby tak besar sgt dan air cukup usually no prob buat ECV..
doa & zikir banyak2 ok.. :D
sabby scary nye tengok org tu buat ECV...terus senak perot iza nengok...ihihih...waaahh xlame lagi dah ye sab nak deliver...iza doakan semua nye berjalan dgn lancar ye, Ameen :)
wah..banyaknyer baju......meriah..!!
kalau baby songsang selalunya bila dah nak keluar, dgn sendiri akan berpusing.
takut tgok video tu...sakit bila dibuat begitu.
good luck sab!
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