Salam everyone,
Well had my check up yesterday, 39th week check up...mashaAllah i never knew baby was going to stay this long in my tummy, because all of us siblings and all my anak sedara semua keluar by 35-38 weeks...hehehe..
Alhamdulillah baby has reached 3kgs...after the doctor scan everything, i had to do an internal check up..after that the doctor said, ok..i need to explain to you something...masa ni I was just looking at habib, i knew something was wrong...
we sat down, and then the doctor explain, I'm still not dilated and baby is still not all...still floating in my also mention, one of the biggest reason why, is because the opening of my pelvic bone is abit small for the baby to go through, hence he is stuck floating up there, baby tak muat to get engage yet alone to deliver...that is why, even with my rather frequent braxton hicks I'm not dilated at all...because by now kalau normal person dah at least dilate 1-2cm..
and then i ask what if we induce now before the baby gets bigger, and then doctor explain that because my baby tak engage, even if induce most prop i wont dilate till 10cm pun, and chances of emergency c-sect is very high...
Doctor says we wait, because the baby is still comfy inside, amniotic fluid, placenta, growth and heart rate all normal alhamdulillah. Let nature takes its course..but by next week, if still sama then most prob i have to go through a c-sect. Heish i never knew my big butt, actually has a small pelvic opening...
But I'm still hoping for the best...Me and habib is making loads of doa so that I can deliver naturally...but Allah SWT knows best, what ever happens within the next few days, its whats meant to happen...
next appointment is in 4 days, i guess by then if i still tak go in labour, me and habib must decide whether we nak opt for a planned c-section or not...InshaAllah, May Allah guide us to making the right decision..ameen....
Allah SWT knows best..
Jom kembali ke sekolah!
Salam semua,
Haha, dua remaja purba, 80's baby dalam uniform sekolah! Best je rasa
selepas 25 tahun (minus gambar pre-wedding pakai baju sekolah half d...
4 days ago
hey sab! Hopefully baby sht2 saje tmasuk u nanti. Pasal tulang pelvic kecik 2,yup,mmg salu org akan c-sect. Xsmestinya punggung besar, tulang pn bsr. Mcm my mom. Kami adik bradik pn lahir ikot tgkap je. I ni pn xtau lg normal or c-sect mcm my mom. Jgn genetik sudah. Kalo bleh i normal..I'm praying hard 4 u and ur baby to b in a good health till then.
Good luck yer.. Doa dipermudahkan segala2nyer..
sabrina, i know both u and adam are strong. im sure everything will go well eventually. cant wait to see your baby :) take care. doa for you and family.
sab, same goes to me! my pelvic bones pun pendek.. so i go for c-sect even dah induce for 2nd time still 1cm opening..and even contraction 100% for 7hours..grrrrr..masa c-sect baru tahu my pelvis bone pendek..sobs.. so buat penat induce je sebelum tu.. so my suggestion in that case dont ever go for induce.. its hurtttss.. sbb mmg xkan bukak sbb tulang sekat..T_T..
I knw how u felt actually. alena pun rasa benda yg sama. bl scan ms false alarm hr tu wish sgt that baby's head engaged. tapi tak jugak, sbb can see clearly lagi till now.
will see what the doctor gonna say tonight. harap sgt dapat go trough natural birth. but as u said, everything happen, it happened for reason kan.
Alena doa sgt sab pun dapat normal delivery. maybe baby nak main2 dgn his momma moomma dia nervous :)
good luck dear!!
I knw how u felt actually. alena pun rasa benda yg sama. bl scan ms false alarm hr tu wish sgt that baby's head engaged. tapi tak jugak, sbb can see clearly lagi till now.
will see what the doctor gonna say tonight. harap sgt dapat go trough natural birth. but as u said, everything happen, it happened for reason kan.
Alena doa sgt sab pun dapat normal delivery. maybe baby nak main2 dgn his momma moomma dia nervous :)
good luck dear!!
have you experienced any sharp pain down there? anyway.. try climbing stairs.. i read somewhere it'll help baby to positioned himself in the pelvic.. i'm going to try it myself. :)
we are 3 weeks apart. Insyallah everything will be fine. Pray hard.
InsyaAllah..May you have a safe delivery Sab. That's what is important :)
Be Strong My fren..........!!
semoga semuanye dipermudahkan. insyaAllah
btw, if u wanna buy PB for your confinement, let me know k
017 416 0976 (siti)
sabby...all the best to u n baby..insyaAllah..
be strong mom to be..hope everything goes well. amin.
All the best..
hopefully both of u will be all right
pray the best for you dearie.. surely u can't wait to see ur baby by now :)
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