Alhamdulillah I'm reaching 39 weeks in a few days...
to update about the breech situation...subhanallah, with berkat all the doa and effort, the baby actually turned at 37 weeks...masa we scan at the time, i could not believe the baby managed to turn without me feeling anything...amazing mashaAllah....and the doctor said, ohh your baby was being playful..
now alhamdulillah baby is in normal head down position, tgh menunggu masa for baby to come out..last we checked baby was about 2.7 kgs, alhamdulillah...tmrw is another check up, i cannot wait to find out baby updates...
I also want to share what happened last night...
i started having contractions, actually I've been having timed contractions aka braxton hicks since 37 weeks sometimes malam2 it will come about every 10 mins..but of course, masa first time tu i was like omg is it time??tapi it happened so many times, i can just sleep through it....
but yesterday, it was extra intense, started at 1am, every 5 mins...and then at 2am, it became every 3 and habib monitor till 3.30am, and it was constantly every 3 we straight away packed to go to the hospital...
sampai hospital they monitored me under ctg, and midwife pun cakap, wah ni dah macam dah nak labour dah ni...alhamdulillah excited dah we all, almost 39 weeks tunggu to see the baby...
terus they check my dilation...guess was midwife inform doctor, doctor said, its ok, send me home..
so dgn hampanya we balik..n then my contractions pun makin sikit..
sigh...FALSE ALARM....
Jom kembali ke sekolah!
Salam semua,
Haha, dua remaja purba, 80's baby dalam uniform sekolah! Best je rasa
selepas 25 tahun (minus gambar pre-wedding pakai baju sekolah half d...
4 days ago
Mesti x sabar nak hugs n kiss baby kan? InsyaAllah, dah x lama lagi tu...semoga semuanye dipermudahkan. Keep us update ya!
praying that everything will be alright for you and dear baby.. Can't wait to see your junior :)
Hahahaha.....Baby syok duk dalam perut....
Its ok sab..dont think too much...insyallah semuanya sbr nk jmp your baby too!!gud luck..byk istighfar ok..
yey..tak sabar nk tgk your little one melihat dunia :) dah ade tanda2 tu..bersedia tau sab :) Harap semuanya selamat hendaknya :)
sabrina.. insyaallah ah dekat dah tu.. bykkan berdoa.. sy aritu mse 38weeks bby dah keluar.. tp i xde sakit, xde contraction pun.. just leaking air ketuban.. get ready sab yer.. anytime bby boleh keluar tu.. ;) goo luck semuanya..
risau jugak false alarm for the first timer ni kan? sbb mcm .. eh? dah mase ke ni? tp bile sampai hosp xde dilation. be strong ok? ;)
selamat menempuh saat melahirkan. Banyakkan tasbih Fatimah mohon dipermudahkan
Tips rawat anak demam, batuk dan selsema secara alami
salam Sab, i doakan semoga semuanya selamat...insyaAllah..
MashaAllah mashaAllah, thank u so much everyone for the dua's....
InshaAllah baby keluar sihat n without any complications....ameen
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