we went hunting for a photographer because sadly daniel zain and fuzuri design is not available for that weekend.
first we met, and we all fell in love with his picture and album..
so me and my sis, excitedly planned to book him for 3 functions. 1 family event, and 2 of our wedding function in July.oh boy we were so excited, we kept on telling our family, oh we found someone who takes pictures cantik like Qippy(oh yes i love qippy's pictures). my family pun was very excited to see his work.
But everything started going downwards, when the night itself TGH MALAM he masged both me and my sister for the payment. we thought ok larr...maybe he is just reminding us. at this point takdela wierd sgt.
i'm so malas and no mood to go in detail
bottom line is we felt something was wrong by the smses that we got from him, and I asked him a few days later, whats wrong...and so he apologised...at this point kitorg ok lagi, sbb i thought it was just a misunderstanding...
and when we dah transfer 50% of the money, again he mintak full payment for the event and pestering us on the deposit for our wedding, now you all tell me, will you pay a photographer 100% of the total even before the function??? tak kan?? padahal he email me to say payment is
- 30% : Booking Fee is required upon confirmation of date requested.
- 20% : after the event
- 50% : Upon delivery.
Now he has given us in black and white to say the other 50% is upon delivery right???then why keep on pestering us with 100% payment even b4 the function????
and masa we jumpa he promised to cover the whole event, i had 3 orang saksi with me, that remembered him saying it, but tiba2 he msg saying he will only cover 3 hours,
at this point, I dah started hunting around for another photographer..as PLAN B,
at first we thought, ok we go ahead with him for the event first, if we're wrong about him then we can hire him for the wedding, sbb at the end of the day this guy takes beautiful pictures.
so we hired him....
I'm so emotional now, i cannot believe that he would actually do it..I knew he was bitter because he suspected we have changed our minds( which we did because of his very disturbing behavior) , but I expected him to act profesionally for a job we hired him to do , even though its a SMALL JOB.
the pictures are so buruk sampai me and my sis got scolded for hiring him. Sebab that event meant soooooo much to us, and now we only have ugly pictures. sampai I'm so malu to distribute it to everyone that was apart of the event. We hired him as a birthday present to someone very special to us, and now this has happened!what are we suppose to do?
It is so sad that he allowed his emotions to take over his professionalism, and took very bad pictures of the event. Instead of proving us wrong, and changing our minds to book him, he showed that he is a bad photographer as we predicted him to be.oh and yes, he left the function early, tak tunggu habis pun.
gambar he ambil is so UGLY that i think I myself ( who has zero knowledge of professional photography) can do better, our personal camera had better pictures.
i'm so sad.....
Sometimes bad things just happens, even though someone else had good experience with the vendor in the past. I guess for me, its a bad one. its called takda rezeki. But in life, there is a hikmah in everything. We should have to find out how has it made us better?
Giveaway Kerajaan Kelapa
Salam semua,
Dalam era A.I, macam-macam social media sini sana, terkejut pula kita
terima Utusan Diraja. Auto tergambar vibe muzik klasik, majlis raja-ra...
3 days ago
kesiannya u....takde rezeki kot..but sape vendor tu? ermm...
Neway, dont thinl too much...dah jadi pun..what to do.. :)
But that fotografer mmg tak professional acted like that!
thanks dear..i'm so sad...if u nak tahu detail just email me...i tak sampai hati nak mention his name here.
sabby, email me plis! manela tau i pun terkena sebab i rasa i asyik terkena je..huhuhu...
sangat immature la! dowh..good thing he hadn't got a chance to ruin your july kan..
ohh inshaAllah..
i'm so glad alhamdulillah, we had a plan B.
sabby..i need to knw too..im surveying now takut terkena.
im sorry it happened to you
lupa lak..kay_alia@yahoo.com
aramak, sabby, that is so scary.
Pls email me too, plaquer@gmail.com.
sab, i pon nk tau gak..tkut terkena sama..pls email me.. drapolene@gmail.com .. thanks
Salam Sab,
Can u like let me know too? Sebab i pun sedang survey untuk 2nd photog for my big day. Takut terkena.
My email thisisyanie@yahoo.com
Thanks Sab.
So sorry to hear that.
I want to know too and spread this news. I dont think others should experience the same thing u did. It's a tough world out there, if he's behaving like s*it, then he doesnt deserve to be in this business.
email me the name, he should be punished..hehehe
how nonprofessional is this photographer, teruknya.. tak baik buat client camtu.. isk. better u tell je the whole world his perangai coz it's not your fault anyways. btw may i know jugak siapakah gerangan orangnya, si.meami@gmail.com
omg.. teruknyer.... Could you also tell me who it is coz I seriously tak nak ter-hire org nih... chanted26@hotmail.com
ALAHAI...poor you,..tak sangka pulak macam tu jadinya..so learn from mistake ye sabby...sabar la..ada balasan untuk orang2 mcm ni,,
babe do email me too!! takutttt
thanks yeah
sabby..nk tu jgk..cz im surveying photographer skrg..mcm2 dah jadi ni T_T emel me:snz.rosli@gmail.com
sab,nk tau jugak sape la org tu....hihihi..
so sorry and scary to heard such thing happened. actually when he requested for the payment not as per agreement, you should have not paid him and shove the T&C to his face.
i am so scared to heard things (bad) people would do for money.
may i know who? email me at snowyqueeny@yahoo.com
thanks sab!
could u emel me the details of that photogrpher? rsau gk..huhu
Dah bayar ke? Hopefully belum bayar lagi lahh.. jahat la orang tu..
plz let me know sapa gak tu.. nurul.wahida[at]yahoo.com
Kalau nak tau ilmu rumah2 boleh masuk my blog emasdantanah.com
hai sab. sorry to hear that..but dont u have a proper contract or sumthing for this kind of stuff? surely mamat nih some bigshot photog, so kot la dia ada signing stuff between u n him..huhuh..
i'm looking for a backup photgrapher gak nih..if u dont mind sharing, emel me ek...addashariff@gmail.com. takut sgt kene mende2 camnih..
again, sabar ye sab. ;)
just reveal his name here so that all will be aware. we dont need to hide things like this. biar dia sedar so that nxt time dia tak buat mcm tu.
he is famous amongst bloggers...lagi lah u should reveal him! blogging world is small. bukan nk kacau periuk nasi dia. tapi nk kasi dia sedar sikit.
thats my piece of mind.
err..sab..may i know the name please. i tgh hunting photographer. dah la ramai je stated the same payment method..cuak plak.
sgt tak profesional..
dah ada black & white pun dia boleh langgar...haihh...
rasanya dia tgh perlukan duit kot?? hihii
kalau kite kat tpt awak pun, kite pun bengag gak sab... sabar eh dear :)
aiyoyo sabby..
so bad la that photog.. x professional lgsng! siapakah gerangan org itu.. boleh share x? me myself is looking for a photog.. hopefully x ter'ambil' dia..
mail me: mizz_di4n4@yahoo.com
ishh..ishh.. gamak sungguh buat org laghu tue nohh..? laghumanan rezeki nak berkat kalau dah famous skit ja.. mula nak kona.."kencing" customer?
p/s : nak tau gak sapa orgnya coz saya pun dok tgh usha photographer utk majlis kawen thn depan.. :)
TQ! - byk2 bersabar dan berdoa.. doa org teraniaya dimakbulkan Allah..
sabar jelah
insyallah, ada hikmahnya tu sab
Sabby, sorry to hear that. Eh, kite pon pernah kene mcm ni jugak with the videographer yang tak glemer pon. its ok babe, ade hikmah sebaliknye, u'll get someone better. im so sure bout this. maybe photographer tu needs money at that time and he changed his policy. eh ape ngarut? suke hati nak tukor policy. CANNOT!
email i jugak babe,
sebab....i terasa mcm my OP...*oh please NO!*
hi sab..
i agree with ms. white.. bukan niat nk tutup his periuk nasi.. but imho, he's closing his own periuk by doing tis to other ppl, thinking tat he can get away with it. maybe he has forgotten how powerful word of mouth (in this case, word of bloggers!) is..
so rather than u have to email each and everyone of us, maybe u shud just mention his name here so tat takde sape2 terkena.
see it as u're only helping yr readers/friends from teraniaya mcm u. isnt tat part of our responsibilities as a muslim as well? :) coz i m always looking for marriage vendors for my b2b friends, takut jugak my friends terkena..
Hi sabby, been following your blog for quite some time. Hang in there dear!
I hope you could share the info with me as i pun tgk survey2 photog for my big day. Email me k: minty_loope@hotmail.com
Rase mcm tau sape sbb email yg die bagi kat Sab tu same dgn terms dekat website die..
To Sab, dun worry u'll find the better one..cheers :)
::hai sab..may i know who that photographer coz i takut amik org ygsama..::
OMG! Mamat ni minta kena tembak kepe?? Minta full payment before and event tu TAK PERNAH di buat orang. Hilang akal ke? And for him to take CRAP photos is even worse. So you dah bagi full payment ke ni? Cos if not, DON'T pay him the balance!
hi sab ,
sorry to hear bout that! god gila teruk ok tis photoG.
mind sharing who's this jerk is?
my mail :
Tskk jahatnya dia! I wonder sapa la..
Sab, I nak tahu jugak. Please email me ya.
Ishhh giler ke..If i copy the whole sentence yg term dia and google, one name came up and he is famous. hehe...jahat tol.
in fact, he did take my cousin's wedding earlier this month..i dont know whether my cousin pon ada the same issue with u..
but to confirm, can you let me know who this is as well: lyser_sarah@yahoo.com
salam, nak tau gak photographer mane. email me the details nueoxx@hotmail.com
Salam Sabby ...
its good for u not to mention his name in ur blog ... takut jadik berdosa pulak kita menutup pintu rezeki orang lain kan ... (like some bloggers do ) ... yes, kita boleh menceritakan apa yg berlaku kat kawan2x bloggers but i dun think its necessary for us to mention names world widely ... as for the photog, i hope he learned his lessons for giving u a hard times and ugly pictures ... tak baik .. sebab kita ni bayar ... bukan pree-op-cas kan ?? if i ere u i call that person and will discuss with him AGAIN about his terms and promises ... and yes, id ask for some money back ... i just cant tolerate broken promises ...
p/s: names of photog ?? sassyshieda@gmail.com
pp/s: i have lotsa photog friends ... if i knew who's this photog, id advice 'em about this if the photog is my friend ...
just copy and paste this
30% : Booking Fee is required upon confirmation of date requested.
- 20% : after the event
- 50% : Upon delivery.
you'll find out who
sangat tak bagus, and when u deal with blogger its either ull get more n more cust or less and less cust.. boleh pilih sendiri..
I guess i know who jugaa..
sabar ya sab..
btw, u must be the lucky one sbb u olredi got DZ on ur reception..
I love all his portfolios & i really hope that he can be my OP.. unfortunately hes not available on my reception day..
Pluss... ur piccies taken by DZ, tersgtla cantik juga.. =) i suka!
i experience bad fotographer during my engagement day.datang lambat.keluarga lelaki dah datang baru sampai.lepas tuh carik2 fotographer nak ambik gambar time tengah sibuk2 ambik gambar fotographer tade.rupanye pegi makan lauk kenduri dulu.sabar jelah!
tak nak pisang berbuah dua kali.
share with me the fotographer plz.thanks.
salam sab,
i am 1 of your silent reader. could you pls share the identity of this photographer with me?
omg~ kerje tak buat lagi dah mintak full payment? is he crazy or wut? haish... anyway, pls share... i dah start planning. afraid he's in my list... pffft
yeah, i pon google n dapat, wah sab, im actually considering him to be my photog!! lepas nie tak jadi la. lagi pun kluarga saya biase2 saje dgn rumah yg kecik, lagi la tak dilayannya.
sorry for hear that sab :(
dari u cite aritu pun, kami dah jadi serba salah. Erm, kami doakan u akan dpt fotografer yg u puas hati nanti yer. Jgn putus asa k. teruskan mencari..
Anonym : copy & paste works ... [i hope i got the right photog whom to be blame lah] ... gotcha Mr Photog ... ! :)
Sabby, glad u had ur plan B and made u a lil' happy ...
Hi Sab. I totally agree with Ms White's comment. U should just say his name out loud here. That'll do us readers of your blog good, either to avoid him totally or to be cautious when dealing with him. Please ye Sab,let us know.
Salam Sab,
I'm one of urs silent readers too. can u pls let me know who's the photographer. I takut i ter'booking' dia... :( pls email me at syazee83@yahoo.com. Thanx sab!
salam girls , you've all got mail...if tak dapat inform me k..
btw i would love to make my life easier and just mention his name here..but I can't. it's just too mean...
the best thing skang u report je dekat tribunal pengguna...
Insyaallah diorang akan tolong.. lagipun ada bukti pic yg dia amik tu x elok kan..
first of all THANK YOU Sab for sharing. Omg. i pun td da google n da jumpa that photographer's name n the best part he is my friend friend's n i ade mintak quotation dr dia but maybe he too bz to reply me back n maybe tuhan nak tunjuk y shouldn't hire him. my oh my... nasib tak confirm ape2 pun. thanks for the post. he's out of my list for sure.
Mind if you share with us the best pictures he took????
did u complained directly to him as well? think u should. at least he'll know youre one dissatisfied client kan.. for him to take note and improve ke kan..
hi.im your silent reader..takotnya!i nak book photog for my wedding.pls email me..aidarani@gmail.com
salam..boleh tau sape die..saya tgh cari photographer utk my wed dis coming nov..emel me plz..enb1110@gmail.com..tq
hello sab,sorry to hear dat :( im ur silent reader..can i know who's the photographer? email me (jiennaposh@yahoo.com) tq dear
hi sab, ive been reading your blog regularly hehe. boleh ke tau sape the photographer scaryyynye because i am searching for one as well... nadyamalit@hotmail.com
hi sabby....maybe there is a reason why he did that. You should consult him and talk to him professionally.
The particular photographer probably facing some problem. Maybe its only you who face this problem. I think you already a mean person by posting this entry in this manner. Please think twice before you put in such post.
Hope you will change.
dear anynymous,
Firstly thank you very much for the concern comment..
Now I have made myself very clear to the photographer, after receiving his smses, if he had a problem, then just let us know.
btw i still have it in black and white in my phone, and he replied then nothing is wrong and that he just wanted to confirm our dates.
2) i did email him to express my disatisfaction towards the pictures he took, before i posted this entry, but sadly he choose to ignore my email or apologise in any way.
3) Yes, like i've mentioned in the entry i know perhaps he is facing some problems in his life, as we all do in our lives, but he should not have gotten my family involve in his personal issues..
4)you said, perhaps i'm to the only client that he is mean to, if that is the case, he has nothing to worry about with this entry, correct?
But are you saying that, it gives him the right to act unprofessionally and take UGLY picture, AFTER us PAYING him to take pictures for OUR PERSONAL EVENT?? so you are saying it is ok, to act such ways to your client? Just because at that point he SUSPECTED that we will no longer take him for our weddings???
5) to me personally the photographer,He could have done so many things to undo what he did to us, and change this whole bad incident and make it a happy one.
It was a choice that he had made for himself that had brought him to this situation.
and i'm truly sorry, i will not change this entry, until it deserves to be changed.
I think I wasn't mean enough to reveal anything about the photographer in my entry.
beritahu saya ye.
a picture is like a piece of art.it can be quite subjective.i believe this photographer has a way of taking pictures that does not capture perfections.he captures moments and the objects that he focus on could be quite random.this is a risk that all of us have to consider in choosing a photographer,especially on our special days.yes you do have daniel zain whose pictures are magnificent and i believe his products are loved by thousands.then we have these kinds of photographers who capture random moments using their judgments and to them these moments are perfect and on the other hand,the pictures wont be appreciated by many.
you should have known this photographer's eyes judging by the pictures that he put on his blog/website.
and you could have been more professional in judging people openly.
this photographer is a friend of mine.
he has uncanny eyes in appreciating moments.he does not capture photos that are magnificent or statuesque, he captures dainty moments that probably you do not appreciate.
you should have read his way of appreciating things from his pictures that he put up on his blog/website.photography is subjective.if you want to remember the magnificence of your wedding day,then yes daniel zain is the best choice ever.
on the other hand,this photographer that you are so keen of not mentioning his name is not a liar,has not been a liar or jahat.he is just a photographer that you don't enjoy working with and you don't appreciate.so let it be and let it go.
to all of his friends,he is a nice chap,quirky,friendly and appreciates flaws more than perfection.his pictures may be a little bit humble,cute,simple for you.
MasyaAllah ...Sabby adakah org itu yg u tanya?? kalau la dia yg buat perangai mmg i ketuk kepala dia ..hurmmm takpe laa bukan rezeki cari org lain yg xfemes tapi dia buat baikkkk punya ... hurmmm ramai lg yg diluar sana buat photographer bagus ..ada sorg nih may b boleh la kot but cara dia ambi i tak sure u suke or not ... okey biarla carik lain jerk kay
sabby MasyaAllah adakah dia photographer yg u tanya dgn i ke?? dia ke yg buat hal nnti i ketuk kepala dia heheheh ...sorry if dia yg buat hal ..xpalah may b bukan rezeki you ..kat luar sana ada byk lagi photographer yg bagus ..gud luck kay ..
Dear Sab,
I truly commend you for writing this entry. I’m sure most people would not be brave enough to be as honest, for fear of retaliation. I can understand how frustrated you are. When we entrust people with our time and money, it’s only fair that they carry out their end of the bargain. Please don’t feel discouraged by comments such as the one above. I know many of your readers, myself included, really appreciate your honesty. I’m sure we’re educated enough to consider both sides of the story before we make any decisions, so don’t feel guilty about sharing your experience. Anyway, I’d just like to tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep it up. :)
sha : yes, sbb tu i sms you tanya ok ke tak..tu lah i rasa takda rezeki kot for me..i guess me, my sis, my hubby and my sisters fiance all of us tak serasi dgn dia.
Err..seram pulak..harap x jumpa dgn org teruk mcm tu..huhu.
I mmg tgh cari photog utk tunang n wedding sekali..Harap u boleh kongsi siapa org tu..takut terkena plak..Thx ye Sab. Email saya rock_lulu@hotmail.com
owh okey ..could u email me dear ..whats going on .. bole thank u dear ..
apa maksud you dengan definisi 'gambar ugly'?
gambar ugly, yg i maksudkan in my entry, is 50% of the gambar, is gambar belakang orang, or tepi orang, or kalau ada yg dah moment cantik pun kepala terpotong setengah...i dah send to another person, yg tak boleh edit the gambar, sebb quality gambar memang ada, because the camera was bagus, tapi kalau gambar belakang orang, and kepala terpotong, buat macam mana pun , dah tak boleh diselamatkan, unless i hire someone yg pandai photoshop and tambah kepala, to all the parts yg terpotong..
I dah google the package and jumpa only one particular photographer yg buat camtu.. Betul ke? Tak sangka pulak.. Tengok gaya mcm hebat n pro.. Boss lama dia ada cakap dia ni ada masalah "attitude".. Betul la apa boss lama dia cakap nampaknya.. Budak2 ni tak reti amanah n tanggungjawab.. Benda2 mcm ni bakal menyusahkan photographer2 lain jugak.. Org jadi takut pulak nanti dengan photographers.. Adoilaa..
salam...takziah to u sbb dpt service macam tu...tapi..boleh x email sy a few gamba die yang awak cakap ugly tu? nak tg gak..takut tekene...hee... muhammad.heza@gmail.com...thanks ekk~ banyakkan bersabar~ ;)
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