I did one of my card here...oh mashaAllah i have only good things to say about our dear Faizah...service was excellent....everything came on time, and the results was a beautiful card..i have got no complains at all...
my official card from another vendor hmm..I'm not so happy with it coz the colour is all wrong..but things can't be perfect..i just have to move on..
but the good news is i have this cards to be happy about..ohh mum says reception nanti i can just order from yes..oh yes i def will...inshaAllah...
and the website is
Giveaway Kerajaan Kelapa
Salam semua,
Dalam era A.I, macam-macam social media sini sana, terkejut pula kita
terima Utusan Diraja. Auto tergambar vibe muzik klasik, majlis raja-ra...
3 days ago
kad yg suwit.
tak sabo nak dpt =)
thanks invite kte sab
wah.. alhamdulillah.. i chose her buatkan my wedding card also.. dah dengar good comment on her from u.. yeay!!
nak invi card!heheeh....
ouh. the card is lovely!
nice card! simple and sweet. eh sab, i was lepaking with my bf while reading your blog the other day with my bf at our fave junction. He peaked at what i read and saw your photo with your bf and then he said, eh i know this guy (ur bf) he used to be my neighbour back then (SS19-Subang). then bf started ranting about your other half siblings blablabla. What a small world eh?
your card sgt suweeetttt,...mcm orangnya!
salam sab,
yang..i dah e-mail u..again,sorry dear I x perasan ur msg..huhu..my bad!
can't wait to see u dear.. :)
cantek yer ur wedding card... suka sgt warna pink
sweet je... ;)
harganya ok tak sab?
card sangatlah comel and sweet just like you ...nak 1 hehehehe
thanks dear!
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