A beautiful girl told me i should stop hiding, and start writing again...
Before anything, I would like to thank every reader that has e-mailed me and posted comment on my blog, your support meant soooo much to me, you have no idea...
You girls reminded if, if you are doing the right thing, then just be strong, and follow your heart...
When i started the blog, my intention was just to share, so it will be a guide for any bride to be, because when i was surveying for my sisters and brothers wedding it was the blog that helped me most...hehehhee...
A few weeks ago, the whole incident made me forget the reason why i started it to begin with..now I want to continue sharing..with hopes that at least i can help 1 bride to be outhere..even if its a small tiny help...
Alhamdulillah, now the journey must go on..right???
p/s: for any readers out there, if my blog has offended you..please stop reading...don't visit my blog anymore... if you feel that i need to be corrected then tell me personally, e-mail me..
just ask me...why i said whatever i said... because trust me, I'm one person who always has an answer for myself...
But if you hate the hadith & Quranic versus that i quote, then that is beyond my limit..those aren't from me or not created by me suka2... they are the words of Allah SWT and our Prophet Muhammad SAW..
Di ambang Syawal
Salam semua,
Dah mula cuti ke tu?
Dah sampai kampung?
Kitonyo masih setia bekerja.
Kampung pun, nurtizen kata, kalau tak sampai sejam dah sampai kampung...
23 hours ago