firstly alhamdulillah and thank you sooo much for all the doa and well wishes..
alhamdullilah..its been 3 weeks now...i've been wanting to update earlier, finally only today sempat...
well its been an amazing 3 weeks so i understand how all mothers feel when they say, bila baby sleep u actually miss them..
when baby is asleep i open my phone and look at his pictures from day far we've taken his picture everyday, subhanallah, in 3 weeks he has changed so much..
breastfeeding, alhamdulillah its been going well...let me tell you to all mum-to-be's, breastfeeding awal-awal tu sakit, but after like a week, then everything dah numb, it gets much easier...nobody told me that it's sakit...and it requires alot of determination...the day baby was born, he was asking for milk every half hour..dahlah i just came out from the operation theater,n sooo baby didn't give me a chance and asked for milk so frequent. and when he suck it was soo sakit...
and when the nipples crack and your baby suck it, its also sakit
day 2 he did the same thing, asked for milk every half hour...and this time my drugs is a lot less, so when my uterus was contracting while he was breastfeeding, ohh it was sakit as up almost became an option because it was just so overwhelming, n some people kept on saying oh u tak cukup susu kot..
but my family, my hubby, and the nurses all supported and gave me motivations to keep on going...esp from my mum, who reminded me that breast milk is rezeki from Allah swt, i must YAKIN that its enough for my baby, the more the baby suckle the more milk will be produce...and true enough a few days later, all started to settle down..and now alhamdulillah i'm starting to pump the extra milk..stock up alhamdulillah, of course tak byk lagi..just slowly pumping...
so my advice to everyone, DONT give up..because MashaAllah when ur susu is banyk and ur baby is well fed, its just the best feeling..
Ramai say breastfeeding babies, no need to burp...but my baby if tak burb he will be so tak senang, he will cry n cry..n sometimes muntah...but when he is well fed, n then he burps, alhamdulillah he will sleep nicely..
u know the funny part, i think breastfeeding is more overwhelming that my c-section n healing the pain n my wound..but now i'm glad i didnt give up...alhamdulillah...
InshaAllah the next entry i will write about my labour...
p/s: does anybody has any natural remedy for diaper rash??..i have been putting cream, and now better alhamdulillah, tapi i want to put something natural pulak, because i dont want to put so much chemical on my baby's skin.
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3 days ago
I want one tooooo...
I meant the baby :)
dear, i use Earth Mama Angel Baby - Angel Baby Bottom Balm. it works wonder on my baby, alhamdulillah. no diaper rash since day 1 :)it's organic so no worries about the chemicals thingy.
yaya: inshaAllah ur rezeki will come. We make doa for u...
Sara:thank u for the suggestion, my sister did use that for her baby...hmm its time to do baby shoping again....
Salam. am a silent reader :D. untuk rashes baby my mom salu bubuh tepung ubi. kire ganti bedak dengan tepung ubi. so far alhamdulillah, babies yg my mom jaga ruam dia berkurang n much better.
dear.. u did experienced all the beautiful moments/experiences being a mother.. just stay positives..
~im happy for u~
Sab...try brand badger...very good...
hermm.. kalau tak silap.. adik chek guna Drypoleen (mungkin silap ejaan nie.. tp, yg pasti.. produk nie dalam bentuk tiub ubat gigi..kaler pink..)
p.s : adik chek start pakai since anak pertama dia (umoq anak pertama dah 7 thn) lagik dan berlangsung sehingga anak ke-2 dia ( anak ke-2 dah 2 thn umoqnya).. So far.. chek tgk anak2 adik chek tak dak problem ngan rashes.. try arr.. Sab beli tiub kecik dlu.. if tak serasi.. tak lah ralat sgt..kan..? All the best.. :)
firstly, tahniah dear sab..
hmm.. "when baby is asleep i open my phone and look at his pictures from day 1"..
we do the same thing la.. beside time baby breastfeed pun i also do it..
dont wanna miss a thing i guess.. ;p
natural remedy for diaper rash ialah tepung ubi
but make sure dh lap kering2 baru sapukan tepung ubi
so far it works for my son..
congrats on passing the bfeeding test..i know its not easy..i almost give up too..haha.but bcoz of hubby,family n nurses' supports dat kept me goin n now i feel its so easy and jimat! baby once in a while ada merah2 sket on the diaper area and mymum will put minyak gamat and alhamdulillah d nx day trus ilang..but i still have diaper rash lotion n apply a bit every 3days to prevent.
Or lese, u can try tepung ubi. Just pat like powder at your baby's bottom.
btw, congratz on your newborn :)
corn flour..traditional remedy
yep, Earth Mama Angel Baby tu memang best sabby. try la. recommended ^_^
dear sabby..breastfeeding mmg the best..but my milk supply not so good,x dpt lah fully bf til 1 yr old..
the natural remedy for diaper rash..u try put corn flour kat rash works dries the rash perfectly..the urut n tungku lady told me the secret..
anyway,hows ur pantang?do pantang properly k..masa pantang,we usualy lose a lot..
take care..
azween azman
hi dear sab..
try corn flour works wonder..the lady that urut n tuku me told me the secret..
no need to spend lots on expensive diaper rash cream..try it k..
btw,hows ur pantang going?pantang btol2 k..coz masa tu lah we lose a lot of weight..take care dearie..
breastfeeding memang mnyakitkan mase mule2. very true. org tua2 kate, baby boy memang kuat menyusu compared to baby gurl.. :)
i'll asked doc about the burp. baby NEED & HAVE to burp. for breastfeeding babies, kena burp for at least 10 minutes. sebab nanti later-later, diorg akan sakit or byk kali muntah & digestion system diorg akan ada problem
hye there..u may try tepung ubi..
it works for my baby...:)
ainul pun c-sect dl & i'm full breastfeeding mum.Alhamdulillah my baby dh 7mth.mmg byk cabaran & dugaan tp jgn give perlu bg support.breastfeeding pun kena burp kan baby.
ainul guna cloth diaper so no more diaper rash & sgt jimat.good luck sis ")
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