just read diah's entry saying she regret not writing more about her wedding prep..i realise I should get my lazy fingers to update more often, esp these last few days...
Nikah legal stuff:
Ok i'm suppose to call the imam next week to remind him..hehehe
Did u guys know that I'll be having a joint reception with my sis in July???..oh I'm so excited, i know it sounds weird but me and my sis have been wanting a joined wedding since a few years ago, we have always planned our reception together, and Alhamdulillah somehow my circumstances has worked out well for us...
sure ramai say what about our own personal wedding vision?? well its simple, we plan our dream wedding during our nikah..so me and her still get our own dream wedding, and then the reception, we inshaAllah will do it according to what we have been planning the last few years ...
Outfit :
I actually just picked it up last week...I love the baju soo much..its so sweet...but the veil..Its also so pretty...but .hmmm..well i'm a very simple person kan?? when i told my designer i wont be wearing a crown, terus he made me a heavier beaded veil, then i initially wanted..hehe...the veil is sgt cantik...but because I'm wearing it during nikah, i takut its too much..
everyone in my family says its NOT though, and that i'm just paranoid...heheheh... maybe i am..
I finally finished doing them, i buat soooorang k...but i can't be mad at any of my sisters...everyone is sooo busy...our house lately non-stop new things happening..talk about changes...
I'm so freaked out because i belum hantar my barang hantaran to MG, but I don't want kacau them till Amys wedding selesai..hehehe...sempat right?? its only a few more days to go...
U know, i decided not to do ANY spa, everyone close has advice me to stay away, sbb my skin so sensitive, takut it will somehow react..i also redha je with the situation...Allah SWT always test us...this is my biggest dugaan/test in life i guess...not the spa, the skin part.ehehe...
Sign boards:
From my previous experience in wedding prep , there are 2 things yg we all always stress last minute, signboard and hantaran..so this time i learn my lesson, i habis kan sign board by this week...hehhee..its done, It so big and clear, i hope everyone can see..i choose the most obvious colour, White and red..bunga manggar in Blue....its so simple, not cantik also, but I wanted it to be more practical then anything...
I actually booked the trip a few months ago, but instead of 6 days, i book for 5 days only..so I emailed them straight, to make sure the bookings is for 6 days..there is no way, i can kurangkan the days now, because we have confirmed our flight even earlier than that... but Alhamdulilllah everything is good, I also have e-mailed them the flight details, so they can pick us up from the airport straight...
Di ambang Syawal
Salam semua,
Dah mula cuti ke tu?
Dah sampai kampung?
Kitonyo masih setia bekerja.
Kampung pun, nurtizen kata, kalau tak sampai sejam dah sampai kampung...
3 days ago
aci tak kalo tanye ttg deko ur room?
payah nak dpt bride2b yg share ttg deco blk pengantin...
hrmmm tak lama dah dia. dupdapdupdap la kan
insyaALLAH,semua akan berjalan lancar & jadi memori yg terindah buat awk & hubby
Sab, i dont know.. but i feel sooo happy reading this entry... Macam berkongsi ur excitements...Boleh ke? Hehe.. Anyway babe, banyakkan selawat and pray to the Almighty yang everything will goes on well as planned... Insha Allah. My prayer will always be with you.. :)
By the way, i am Yanie.the one who emailed you and asked about Lova... Hope you still remember me... Heheh
honeymoon kat mana honeymoon kat mana!! LOL gediq*haha
yeay..everything dah settle kan?sian u sabby...tak dpt hantar barang awal..sbb i plak nk kawin..hukhuk...n sorry too sbb me and my sis bercelaru sket..sorry again
eh seronoknye buat kenduri dengan ur sis. selain daripada jimat duit, mesti lebih meriah. :)
relyza,hmm room deco, to tell you the truth, sbb i tak buat my wedding at home, i'm not doing much on room deco..just a new bed sheet and i kemas bilik..hhehee..thats all...
yanie:hey yanie dear,inshaAllah...i need all good prayers now..hehehe..hopefully it all goes well and pleasantly ..amin...inshaAllah...
nahwal: not going far nahwal, just thailand...coz i've actually never been there..
Amy: please no worries at all k..i pun rasa guilty sgt nak kacau..hehehe..takpa, i jumpa your sis after the wedding..boleh kan??
Ida: i knw...mmg best sgt buat wedding with my sis...esp since we both have the same vission for the reception..it makes life alot easier..alhamdulillah...
sab, i also didnt go for spa due to my sensitive skin.
not to worry dear, u will look gorgeous-- "seri pengantin". insyaAllah.
eiii i miss to do the preparation .. aaa luckyly my day dah lepas ..go go sabby ... happy preparation ..and u gonna be the most beautiful bride ..sayang i tak dpt datang ..alahaiiii .... sory sangat2 ...but don't worry i akan wakilkan husband i bole?? hihihi and something special for you ..ok ...
u'll miss writing about weddings..;p..oh btw its a good thing u have done w ur signage!9days to go
oh my!~
sab..oh.i plak yang berdebar2..
tick tock tick tock..
dun worry darl..insya'Allah sume akan bejalan dgn lancar..aminnnnnn.. :)
Wow sabby,
I pon teruja baca your entry.. hehhe
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