Alhamdulillah as many have speculated and suspected.....
i'm pregnant...Alhamdulillah....
going to enter my 10th week....InshaAllah
still awal,still in my 1st trimester...i have to make loads of doa so nothing bad happens to the baby/janin InshaAllah...
also i would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Eid Mubarrak. and Please have a save journey masa balik kampung nanti..make loads of doa, to jauhkan ourselves from any bad incident during raya InshaAllah...
For myself, this year is going to be my first time tak balik kampung, because my morning sickness/muntah2 has been quiet bad. I'm in no condition to travel long distance...also that's why i haven't been updating my blog, i was too weak to even open my emails and blog..
InshaAllah more baby updates after raya....
p/s: i know after this, sure updates more on baby then wedding..hehehe....sebab our wedding dah habis, now inshaAllah we are going to enter a new phase of our lives...parenthood....inshaAllah...
Di ambang Syawal
Salam semua,
Dah mula cuti ke tu?
Dah sampai kampung?
Kitonyo masih setia bekerja.
Kampung pun, nurtizen kata, kalau tak sampai sejam dah sampai kampung...
3 days ago
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, sabby!
Take care of yourself and your baby.congrats!tumpang happyyy ;)
Your silent Reader yang tak berapa nak silent,
Congratulations Sab~ Take care of urself and the baby..Happy for both of u.. =))
So happy for u Sab :)
Me, not yet..
N Dayana safely delivered a baby boy last week :)
Take care dear..
::tahniah sab..:)..::
Congrates sis!!!!!
sab! congratssssss! :)))))
congrats Sab!
me, also facing bad morning sickness, sampai lembik.
i'm at 8weeks. long way to go to complete the 1st trimester.
good luck to you sab of handling that kinda sickness and selamat hari raya too! :) raya..
Take care yaaa! :)
Hai Sab,
Congratulations ;)
May GOD bless u & your baby.
-aunty rara ;p-
Salam Sab,
Wah congrats... So happy for you... Take good care of yourself ya!
congrats...seronoknye preggy mommy..rezeki aidilfitri..
congrates mama sab to be =)
congrats sabby!!alhamdulillahhh
tahniah!happy for u!
selamat hari raya
maaf zahir dan batin
take care ya!
congrats sab!!hopefully all will turn out just fine=)
sabby! congratess!! i'm so happy 4 u.. nanti baby kita sama umur la kan. mine will due on 16th Feb, insya allah...
very happy for u dear :)
bestnyeeee!!! sooo..jeles..hehehehe
Congrats dear!! Happy for you :)
And Selamat Hari Raya. Be safe mummy dearie :)
Sab!!! Congratulations!!! To both u and hubby. Take a good care of yourself, dearest... *hugs*
congrats sab n adam!so happy 4u..welcome to d club..sorry 2hear abt ur sickness..try to read books abt pregnancy.or surf ke.dat wil explain everything abt our hormone changes and how to overcome or at least to reduce it.jgn risau or have any negative thoughts will be fine insyaAllah.slamat hari raya n maaf zahir batin
Tahniah Sab :) first time come across ur blog,keep us updated on ur preg journey slmt hari raya:)
congrats sab.
doakan saya juga akan dpt rezki mcm kamu ye. =)
congrats sab & husband :)
happy for morning sickness teruk eyh? Insyaallah...kejap je nanti mase tu berlalu :)
take a exrta care ok?
congrats sabby.. take a really good care of u and ur baby okeyh dear.. :)
selalu baca ur blog tapi never leave a comment. Ambik kesempatan ni nak wish hepi hari raya and tahniah for ur good news. Semoga semuanya selamat. Insya Allah...
ayu je takde rezki lg..doakan turn kami plak lepas ni ye..(^_^)
congrate always...dis kind of news do touch deep of i also hope dat so...pray for me ya dear...doa ibu mengandung yg susah payah alahan kan makbul... :-)
Alhamdulillah..congrates and take care..
sab!~ sooo happpy for u darl :) congrats to u & adam :) take care tau mommy2b..hope to see u guys next month on the W day :) papehal nanti ann text sab k.
salam aidilfitri,ann
huhu...yayy!! official announcement.. :)
congrats sab!! ur baby WILL be the smartest, prettiest and cutest little bundle of joy! inshaAllah
yay!! do write about being pregnant and mommy hood..jgn jd mcm i, asyik malas je...hihi
woahhh!!! tahniah sab!
jage diri bebaek...
selamat hari raya :)
Alhamdulillah and Congratulations Sabrina!
congrats sabby....selamat hari raya too...
Congrats to u...
Congrats to u...
alhamdulillah.. tahniah sab! happy to know about it. semoga segalanya dipermudahkan for you, baby n family.. amin..
tahniah:)semoga sentiasa di rahmati:)
congrats =) and take care
trimester 1 & 3 usually mmg xdpt lari dr nausea, sakit itu, ini..trimester 2 u will enjoy it esp lil one start to kick
last but not least, feeling fat (plus all the sickness, discomfort so on) last for nine months but the joy of becoming mum lasts forever ..Insya Allah
Congrats Sab..
Lets pray and hope that the baby will be safe till the end of pregnancy..
Drink lots of plain water to keep urself hyradrated k..
Salam Eid-Ul Fitr
hey, im happy for you!
congrats babe. please take EXTRA care of yourself and the baby, of course!
selamat hari raya aidilfitri.
maaf zahir dan batin ek :D
tahniah sab...
jaga diri baik2 nohh..
salam lebaran buat sab seisi keluarga.. :)
p/s: lepaih nie leh singgah blog sab dan baca pasai baby lah pulakk.. huhu..! tak sabaq aihhh.. heheh :)
selepas bace & kumen ntry u, ai juga mengikut jejak langkah u. =)
syukur alhamdulillah.
even, ada masalah dgn kandungan ni, tp im hepi.
salam lebaran, salam ziarah dan salam kenal. tahniah for expecting a baby. Jom singgah blog
sabby, congrats! take a good care of urself and teh baby, k.^_^
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