My Wedding

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yes indeed....

Alhamdulillah as many have speculated and suspected.....

i'm pregnant...Alhamdulillah....

going to enter my 10th week....InshaAllah

still awal,still in my 1st trimester...i  have to make loads of doa so nothing bad happens to the baby/janin InshaAllah...

also i would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Eid Mubarrak. and Please have a save journey masa balik kampung nanti..make loads of doa, to jauhkan ourselves from any bad incident during raya InshaAllah...

For myself, this year is going to be my first time tak balik kampung, because my morning sickness/muntah2 has been quiet bad. I'm in no condition  to travel long distance...also that's why i haven't been updating my blog, i was too weak to even open my emails and blog..

InshaAllah more baby updates after raya....


p/s: i know after this, sure updates more on baby then wedding..hehehe....sebab our wedding dah habis, now inshaAllah we are going to enter a new phase of our lives...parenthood....inshaAllah...

Friday, September 3, 2010

By Lova....

I promised the last time i will update the makeup pictures once its ready...hehehe..alhamdulillah we got our official wedding reception photos from our mashaAllah amazing photographers Shutterspeak by zaidan and suhaimi....Of course sure you all pelik why we tak hire Daniel zain, because we planned this reception last minute sikit, so Daniel was already booked on the 3rd and 4th July, so Daneil himself recommended Shutterspeak, and mashaAllah i'm so glad they did an amazing job...

The last makeup entry was byk words no photos...this time i will let the pictures do all the talking..hehehe...

the final product...

Many2 readers email me to ask about no hp lova...please please please visit her blog. Her hp number and contact info is all there...

p/s: so sorry i haven't been updating my blog, i havnet been feeling well...