salam everyone,
I know i haven't been the best at updating my blog, alhamdulillah i just recovered from the worst food poisoning I have ever gotten....tersuk sgt, sampai i had fever....
anyway also it donesn't help that my laptop still rosak, heish i haven't had the time to reformat my PC...
ok todays topic is on makeup artist...( sadly i have not receive any official pictures, so all pictures will only be uploaded once i dah dapat the gambar, i will update this post)
during our functions, we manage to work with 4 makeup artist, which is Sue cantik, Lova, Ayang kamel and A...ok...
now lets start with the good news,
MY untimate favourite makeup is def by faarrrr by LOVA...mmg me and my sis paling suka makeup by lova...she has this natural way of doing our face, just as how i want my makeup to natural yet beautiful..lova's foundation is golden, so my skin macam had a glow, the whole day tak crack and the best part, it tak nampak putih on digital camera..i love it sooooo much, very simple but beautiful yes if anybody asks which makeup i love most, it has to be LOVA...i quote what habib said " from now on only Lova can makeup your face, no one else"..
sue cantik, was very nice, but my biggest issue is because sue is a man, and the foundation is tebal sikit, so my foundation cracked during the function, my face looked dry..tapi in the picture and video, mmg tak i still love the makeup....
ok as for ayang and kak A....
ayang, mashaAllah is the nicest makeup artist among lembut, while we were getting ready(imagine there was 4 orang kot tgh makeup sekali) ayang was very sweet to let us pinjam his eyeliner....ohh he is so baik....tapi is not that I didn't like ayangs makeup, i just feel that, it didn't suit our kind of face itu je...but i have to say, ayang is very very baik...
lastly ..kak A( i cannot name her sbb this is a bad review) was friendly, we were talking quite byk masa she buat i explained to kak A, i only like 1 type of makeup...heavy eyes but nude lipstick and blusher...but sadly, she didn't give me that type of makeup..when i saw myself at the miror, my lipstick sgt merah, and blusher sgt merah..and when i said, terang sgt, she was a bit upset, and cakap, "tak dik nanti kat camera nampak natural" see itu yang buat a marah, sebab sue cantik and lova, did a very natural nude look, and takde pun nampak pudar on camera
sampai I open my pictures, to show how sue and lova mekup my face...stress sgt masa ni..lepas tu, i cakap nak light lagi colour dia....she pun sampai 3 kali tukar colour and sindir me and said, kalau colour macam ni, macam tak pakai lipstick and warna lagi pudar dari my own lips...but for me, that is what I want...
But masa i saw gmabr from the pictures he took, daniel zain tunjuk sikit, the makeup ok masa malam tu, tapi gambar siang semua mmg nampak my blusher and lipstick terang....and my foundation colour macam grey sikit(takda glow). I'm also upset because i bayar RM 750 (lagi mahal dari lova and ayang kamel), and i saw some product makeup yang murah.....i feel cheated esp on the foundation that is why my foundation looks grey...i'm very particular about cheap makeup, sebab i have sensitive makeup product uses cheap chemicals...but the best part is after everything she sms me to minta maaf and said hoped i liked the makeup...walaupun ada problem sikit, all in all it was was my mistake jugak, I pun nak tukar her trademark style, of course she pun tak happy...
for lova and sue cantik, mmg i have seen bride lain and i suka the style...tapi the other 2 makeup artist tu, mmg i tak minat sgt, esp the colour of the foundation..I am very particular with the colour of the foundation....i paling tak suka when the foundation turns grey or white...tak nampak seri....
My advice to everyone, find a makeup artist yang u suka, from what you see at other brides...
p/s: what is cantik and beautiful for me, might be too simple or tak cantik for others...please take note that this is a personal review of my personal taste...
Di ambang Syawal
Salam semua,
Dah mula cuti ke tu?
Dah sampai kampung?
Kitonyo masih setia bekerja.
Kampung pun, nurtizen kata, kalau tak sampai sejam dah sampai kampung...
21 hours ago