let me start with our first ever wedding in the family, for this reception we decided to give out face towel...to follow the theme, my sis custom the towel with purple embroidery of her and her hubbys initials..
To decorate it, we cut a piece of paper rolled it together with the towel and tied it with a silver string...we didn't have a separate gift for the kids..hehe.yelah our first wedding ...we didn't know at the time...the results...hehehe..as the picture below....

the decor was rather hard to pick out because we wanted to be just as cute as the jam bottles..finally we decided to stack up the jams and tie them up together with ribbons...all the decoration stuff was bought from ssf..hehehe...
results..ehehe..because this was paling susah to do (our fingers were sore tying the ribbons), and we made like 800 of them, so i have to say this is my fav..also because the jam was my idea...hehehe.i wanted to give honey out as my wedding favour, but it turns out that not many people like honey....hmm..
For the children we bought chocs from mydin in subang, and wrap them up with around doily paper hmm i think thats what they are..hehehe...
For the 3rd reception, we gave out natural soaps..we went to Bali and went crazy with the Bali soap..and somehow my brother came up with the idea to give them out as his wedding favours..hehhe...of course we didn't have to go Bali again, we just ordered them online..heheh..and they shipped it here...it came as a package + the thank you tag sekali...this was the most expensive favour actually..sbb the shipping was quite mahal + the thank you tag all and the tax..yes..the tax yg buat it mahal......but the best part, we didn't have to do anything...and of course my family was very happy with the results..they even custom the colour ikut our theme..ehehe
for the kids we gave them helium balloons and chocolates..urgh i forgot to take the choc pictures..and the official photo from the photographer tak siap lagi..(yes it has been 6 months n still 1 picture pun we havnt seen yet, so sad because they are very well known photographers)
helium balloons was a hit..and the adults pun tak habis2 asked for the chocs...so both of them finished first..hehehe
I wanted to give honey too for my reception! But, mom veto-ed the idea! *sigh*
But, loving the jam idea!! Do you mind sharing the vendor? Thanks babe x
kak sabby, santekla akak buat door gift. akak buat untuk saya nak? hahahha.
i suka part idea ballons tu. wah! my cousins ramai lg yg kecik2. so...if ade ballons tu sure abis cepat!
party ballon sangat cantik..
also door gift..eeheheheh
soap from Bali with personalized details sgt menarik hati! and the ballons too!! :D
salam sab,
boleh share tak mana nak dapat supplier for helium balloons tu?
sab.. all of them are really cool favours! i love the soap. and also chocs.. best nyer adik beradik ramai. tak sabar nk tunggu adik2 i kawen. nk nyibuk gak.. heheh
I like the ideas of giving out the balloons and jam/honey. Who were ur vendors? Mind to share :)
hi sab! i love the idea of giving out food as favours. both boyfriend and i are not too keen on giving un-edible items. yes, we're not sentimental. i once threw away a lovely potpurri case from a friend's wedding. inappropriate but i just dont know what i should do with it.
so, can i know who's the vendor for the jam? and also about the ballons, did you guys insert the helium gas yourself or the supplier did?
cute la jam tuh..tp kna gigih la kan..
wah sgt interesting!!! :)cute2 semuanya
cnthek2nya...sabb..helium ballon tu yg plg disukaiii...weee
salam.....nk tnya kat maner nk dapatkan paper yg u roll dengan towel tuh...?also the tag as well coz xtau mana nk tmpeh..=).thanks!!
p/s: i carik that kind of paper kat ssf xde...huhu
hi sab, love the baloon idea! can you share with me your vendor and their quote to marlsharaf@gmail.com? Thanks :)
salam dear readers,
the jams i dah do an entry about it..
ballons no official vendor, i always get them from either hartamas baloon shop or balloon shop at sec 14 pj..they do house dilevery with extra charges..btw they have bubble machine as well..we rented them for my brothers wedding, but cattleya tak bagi pasang because takut it will spoil the carpet..which is true, it was very basah when we switched it on at home...hehehe...
about the paper yg for the towel, we bought them from popular book store..i think any stationary shop akan ada inshaAllah...
hope it helps...
if anything or any questions email me at
masa nak wedding tue pk nak pasang belon tapi kat luar rumah sungguh tak sesuai dan juga erti kata lain terlupa nak buat hehehehe ..sib baik ader munger manggar so ..takde la pk sangat nak pasang belon ..eyy ..
Jam?? mcm teringin nak pegi wedding dia ..
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