I never wanted to do this entry and i hvnt, since spoke to her last...and habib pun said its ok just let it go...but its been long enough..and its still bothering me..so yes..i need to vent it out...here goes...
a few months ago...i was looking for a decorator for my wedding hall...i came across her blog...and i was pretty impressed by her work...... and the thing that made me feel like she is the one because she wrote at her blog, "For my future clients out there, if you think that you are very busy with your work and have no time to plan your wedding and you need someone very reliable, whom you can trust and also can make your dream wedding come true, ...I would say, I am the person you are looking for"
So that was it i feel for it...i showed my family all her work and told my mum i think she is the one...I'm going to see her soon...my mum being careful as she is said...meet her first and keep your options open...but i said ...no its going to be fine someone recommended her and she seems very baik in her e-mails..
being a perfectionist as I am..i have this like wedding folder where i arrange everything...because i like to be coordinated...hey i was doing events for 3 years,so i should know all this by now..
Anyway so before hand i e-mailed everything to her..my setup...my vision and everything needed....so we made an appointment.. her house is around 45 mins from my house...se we went to see her at her house..which i found was weird because its very not professional to have a business meet up at a personal house...
1) i had to wait 15 mins outside her gate before she opened it for us..
2) during the meeting we achieved nothing because she was busy looking for stuff to show me, and I was irritated coz i've already shown her what i want and she should have prepared everything before i came...but I still loved her work and nobody is prefect so i figured takpela...just let it go
3) last2 finally she said..ok for what u want I charge RM 7000...and i was like ok..that is within my budget..so she said she will prepare the quotation and will get back to me...I said I'm very interested so yes do get back to me as soon as possible...
a few weeks went by...and i heard nothing from her..i msg her she said she is busy and will get back to me asap..i pun waited some more...
months went by..finally I heard from her...(during the wait I dah so angry because I DO Not work like that) I expect professionalism when we are a paying customer..
she sms me at 5 freaking am and ask.."oh u still interested ke with the quotation?" I was furious when i got the sms...dahlah i waited lama gila and u can ask me whether i'm interested or not...but ok i just said its my dugaan so I replied and said yes I am....
so I thought dah sms pukul 5pagi maybe u will hantar e-mail asap..but no..she only e-mailed me a few days later....and the worst part was..from RM 7k the price we agreed on....she naikkan her price to RM 15k..and total quote RM 24K.....After i told her specifically my budget the first time I met her at her house..
I'm so pissed...i hvnt replied the e-mail till now because i know if I do, then I will say bad things to Puan S N
so everyone careful with people like this out there..who thinks just because dah well known abit can up the price more than double even though she has given her word to me on the price...
p/s: i said i'm an extrovert....and I said I'm here to share...I just do not want anybody out there to go through what i went through...I want all consumers to know your rights and not allow all this poeple to pijak our kepala...dah lah as it is weddings are getting more expensive nowadays..we just have to be very carefull......
Giveaway Kerajaan Kelapa
Salam semua,
Dalam era A.I, macam-macam social media sini sana, terkejut pula kita
terima Utusan Diraja. Auto tergambar vibe muzik klasik, majlis raja-ra...
3 days ago
opsss...rasa macam kenal pulak..betul ke sabby??hmm..
babe when u said her brother recently baru kawin. i think i know who she is. nickname dia is 4 letter words S_ _R? is it? my personal opinion i think if for her, doing hantaran mmg bagus/ cantik. tapi if pelamin u nak ambil dia..mmg sungguh tak berbaloi. and i never like her pelamin. sbb dia bukan pelamin maker. how about u try dealing with readzul touch? i engaged with them for both my wedding
u did the right thing, sab... at least u're being honest with the whole experience. we can't all be fed with sugar-coated info... thanks for sharing.
sab,sorry ya..if u nak tau yang mana ok dan tak..kindly email me for mo detail..coz i tk leh ckp kat sini..thanks!
woot woot! kalau i pun i naik angin:
1) ya, it's our big day and we're paying kan??
2) tak professional
3) oh sangat rude!
but anyway, good entry sab. we don't have to share good things all the time kan?kalau ade yg tak elok pun we should share... ;)
ya betol! knpa mahai sgt pelamin dia tuh (sblum ni mmg da tau pun price dia merapu part pelamin nih) da well known sangat ke mcm ngi atau arma yg pnh uat weds mawi. i tau jwpnya adalah kerana dia bukan pelamin maker. she rent the rangka from other vendor, and the she deco herself. tak kan nk buat biz xnak markup kaw kaw. betul tak?! so mangsa nya adalah pengguna yg xpernah ambil tahu. ini bukan masalah, samaada kita mampu bayar atau tidak. but the amount we pays, mcm tak berbaloi ngn the result. as far i see her pelamin previous pun. bukan meriah sgt with flowers. very simple sgt, not to my taste as far as i can say! tapi i amik dia utk buat hantaran i, since deposit da buat way before this entry. haha..kutuk2 jugak ek. takpe kite ade hak nak pilih sapa supplier yg kite suka. duit kita. tu pandangan i la.
i've been your silent reader for a while. i got married last year in June. and i just want to say I know exactly what you mean!! cause guess what? I approached shajar and went through the same thing!! Dia dilly dally byk benda, lambat response, ada tu siap x kenal or x bley recall walaupun dah BYK kali jumpa. tak professional is my first impression. lagi sorg yang byk mendatangkan masalah which all brides2be have to beware is AIDA DEBUNGA. i think dia ada website and pernah kluar magazine pengantin dulu. ya allah ni lagi horror, janji mcm2 tp tak tepati. mmg sedih. Thank you for highlighting this. dah lama i nak buka criter ni and share, tp ramai my cousins and friends dah kawin, and i pula xde blog. so xtau mana nak criter. All the best ok, and i pray you will experience a lovely wedding and blessed life ahead :-)
uh marah nye!!!
i sgt sgt sgttt paham perasaan u...
nyampah kan kalu deal dgn org macam ni?? boleh hangin satu badan..!!!
i pernah dan baru2 ni mengalami situasi yg lebih kurang sama mcm ni..
uh ..tolong lahh kita bkn nak mintak disembah2 pun...tp tolong la PROFESSIONAL !!!... daaa
*bosan dgn Vendor/sapa2 yg "kaki kencing"...
omg i pun pernah kena camni kak sabby. my wedding album siap lambat gile! i dpt masa i dah 6 months preggers. can u believe it? dah la tu, kata kitorang tak byr lagi RM5K. eee geram gile! kalau royalties or celebs, layan sesangat. org biasa dia layan sambil lewa je. hangin betul. kalau u nk tau siapa, do add me at ym: nuzz_leia. mana tau tah2 u pun nk ambik org yg sama kan. baik i warn u siap2.
oppss!! hye sab...mcm mengerikan je citer u..tp sbar la yer..n thnx for sharing..tkt jgk terkena sbb kbykkn things for wedding ive go thru blog n fp jgk...
waaa ...kisahnyer ..siapa ek??hurmm gila rm42 k mcm artis la plak ..dah la nowdays wedding dah mahal sangat mcm dah di komersial kan ..hurm siap ambi kesempatan lagi ..i feel sory dear ...takpe u can try another decorator yang baik ..i can't recomended here coz i dok kk kan.well dear harap bersabar ya ..mungkin tu semua dugaan dariNYA ...
So this is a common problem lah? Sebab i pun went through the same thing with Shaja. Tiba2 naikkan harga melampau.
With Sher, I baru jumpa dia once. Ingat nak amik dia, but now having second thoughts :s
Anyone has any recommendations on good reasonable decorator?
Hmm..I had my big day done by S--R..I can only say it was perfect. My only responce here would be that U might have caught her at a bad time (not yr fault of course) but being humans we tend to get excited n want others to share our excitement as well.. Time would be the factor here to be honest. Whatever it is, Im not picking sides, however name mentioning would lead to more problems as only U and S--R know what really happened.
I had to reply this comment right now...dear Dr SR..
Understand that this is my personal blog which i choose to share my experience regardless whether its good or bad..
alhamdulillah your preparation and wedding day went well.
But its not the case for me...and yes perhaps it was a bad timing..but does it still take months for a decorator to get back to a potential client??... those are excuses dont you think??? well i think so...
oh dear, please understand THAT i was willing to forgive..because nobody is perfect(read my entry word by word, because when she sms me months after at 5AM i was still willing to forgive)...but CHARGING ME MORE THAN DOUBLE TO WHAT SHE HAD PROMMISED, THAT I CANNOT LET GO! so whats the excuse for the price hike??still bad timing??
and if she had a better pr to apoligise or even to create a lie/excuse to make me feel better it would have been a whole different story..
Poeple make mistakes..of all poeple i know that very well...
I'm not asking you to pick sides, by all means i believe that to each is its own...
Thats the beauty of professionalism right, if she had it, then the story here would have been a good one, wouldnt it???
So whether i can reccomened her to anyone...my answer from my experience would be a big NO NO!
oh btw, speaking of screwing up...I did that when i was working too of course we humans are not perfect...but to jaga the reputation of our company, we were trained to go all out to make it up and make sure our clients are happy or at least satisfied...and at the end of the day, that should be the result...
That is how I work..if i can do it..then i expect others to do it too....
Amy, thank you so much for your advice..nanti i will e-mail you the details...
Fatimah..yes u got the right person...thank you so much for your suggestion dear..i will keep that in mind...
Qis...yes its true...that is why i know a lot of poeple tht had bad experience in weddings...oh I've heard sooooo many..
miss X..yes share not to kutuk..if we share then everyone will know to always be serious with you work...its like that everywhere kan??
Farah: price dia pelamin plus extra sikit..masa i jumpa dia, she said pelamin alone RM5k lagi RM 2k is for other additionals...tapi tiba2 naik RM 15k..pelamin dah jadi RM10k la tu...
and yes by all means kalau u nak take her its your choice..i'm not here to tell you what to do...
Anonymous...i'm so sorry u had bad experience..u see that is why i like to share, so people are aware of what they are getting themselves into..thank you for mentioning your experience...
nad..memang i sgt marah...sakit hati sebab here we are planning our dream day, and ada outside factor yg mensakitkan your hati...sedih kan kena macam ini...
Lea shmean...are u serious lambat sampai tu, actually my brothers wedding photographer yg sangat famous pun dah 4 bulan kahwin 1 gambar pun we all tak nampak lagi itu pun nanti i akan buat entry...i dulu kerja in events i knw how all this poeple cium kaki celebs and royalty and VIP..menyampah k..hun u got e-mail tak..coz i dont have ym...
diri aku:yes, i advice do a lot of research kalau takut kena macam ni...sebab kalau sendiri terkena when org lain dah warning, sgt sedih nanti..i bukan kejam nak burrukkan org..tapi kalau sudah kena aniaya takkan nak diam je??
sha:eh not RM42k..its RM 24k...tulah mainly i feel she ambil kesempatan of the situation...that is why i marah sgt...i know its my dugaan..i just have to sabar...inshaALlah it will turn out for the better...
pinkbrolly: my intention was not to tell poeple what to do.but to just share what i had went through..at the end of the day is your choice..but of course if u ask me i would say DONT take her...decorators are very tricky...it all depends on your budget..perhaps you can give me your e-mail , then we can discuss in more detail..
sab, i applaud you for being honest and share this experience, its a good thing so bride to bes will be more careful and alert with scams like this. i hope you got what you're looking for soon dear. insya-allah
sabby..huhuh she removed my link la kat blog dia alamakkk...dia sudah salah faham...kan?
amy saya minta maaf byk2 for what happen..i dunno why suddenly she thinks you are involve in all this, when i think you were the only person yg comment takde kena-mengena to what happened...sgtlak pelik..hence u understand what i mean by no professionalism
Nariko..thank you..but it seems like things are getting tense..i'm more upset now then before...
hi sab,
it's me again. Please don't be upset with what happen. it's your own personal experience, and you have the right to highlight this issue. it's not easy planning for a wedding. semua org pun tau. that's why we don't mind investing money/time/energy to hire a wedding planner to realize our dream. but sadly, byk wedding planner including lah shaja yg promise mcm2 but in reality, very dissapointing. they have become jaded, all weddings are the same, it's all about making money for them. takde personalised, sume ikut tried and tested formula aje.
i nak criter satu experience with S--J-. Dia pernah tunjuk stuff dia buatkan for her client. pastu a few weeks after that i bertanya about the wedding card tht she made etc, tiba2 dia kata..."client to lainlah dia anak datuk". client tu a famous blogger juga. yg sisters bertiga tu. one of the sisters. I mmg lepas tu, very dissapointed. hajat nak support melayu, wanita pula tu. tp mcm tu dia reply. that's my personal experience. and i support and applaud you that you have the courage to publish this. take care
alahai..sab, i think most of famous people involved in wed business mmg mcm ni lah.demand lebih2 & pilih bulu.takpe lah.juz anggap ni asam garam in wed prep.insyallah,ada hikmahnya.don't worry,i bet u will find others vendor yg ok & baik.
oh, terkedu saya bace entri ni.Erm, betul utk renungan semua bakal2 pengantin :)
er wow...panas sunggoh ruangan ini...
saya prnh kena spt awak ...guess what saya tuka vendor (nk pggl WP mcm x layak sbb buat kt rumh je)yg totally incharge everything about 3 kali...mmg disaster n sebulan b4, tukar vndor plg last skali n diorg buat kerja dgn awesme skli..pertukaran itu semua gara2 sbb kami buat kt rumah n x bsr mcm vip n lg satu sbb jd mcm awak...charge berlipat kali ganda...buat dkt rumh pon for katering, pelamin, khemah, shgga almost 60k... mmg hampeh...x msok decorate pon...
dah cancel, cari decorator pelamin pon sama..last day b4 nikah, abah saya cancel..gila kan...nsib baik kakak saya bijak cari replacement..
pkr2 mcm ni totally akan berlaku pd org2 yg tmak yg amat...last2 diorg yg rugii...ingt org tamak slalu rugi...
padan muka mrk...insyallah sab...org teraniaya slalu dibantu allah...semua ni ada rahmat yg tersembunyi...
opssy.thanks for sharing this sab!
sab, terlambat sampai. nk komen jugak. as a customer (and we PAY) have the right to ckp ape saje yg kite nk. that is what happen to my case (groom's side). i tak kutuk direct mcm u, i just ckp benda 1/100 je dari ape yg die wat kat blog i, itupun die dh call n mara2 ckp customer die ramai yg lari for what i wrote. yes, i feel sorry for them. tapi i akan lagi sorry dgn all bride-to-be yg bakal terkena dgn diorang.
bride-to-be... jgn la tertipu dgn nama yg gah!
ps. i once asked that vendor too regarding her pelamin (with the exact design that i had for my nikah). n trust me, u dont want to know the price she quoted (after a few months as well!!!)
anil..so sorry to hear what happened to your wedding..tak percayanya sehari sebelum nikah baru settle pelamin..hehehe..sure stress kan??...is the one you cancel to caterer K****?
but Alhamdulillah wedding you looks really great...
yaya: no problemo
Fizz..i sgt terkejut baca your comment..heheh.i cannot believe you pun terkena the same thing...
ahh, boleh your WP call marah2..goodness..reveiews are a personal thing....kalau tak nak bad review then do a good job..as simple as that...
to anonymous, boleh cerita tak macam mana sampai shaja ckp 'client tu lainlah... dia anak datok'? Cerita you tak jelas... and maybe you took it differently..
I'm really close to shaja (NO, am not telling her about this post or any of these comments) and I know her well enough that I can say she is a really nice and warm person.
But again, being human, am sure once a while she might slipped, and probably hurt her clients, but am sure none of those are intentional... :)
Good discussion..not only brides2b..other vendors must take note also..im quite surprised actually bcoz our blogger mates pun ade yg amek S**R and soon goin to hire her..x sangkala..til now she hasnt done any explanation ker?
wow..this is your hottest entry ever! ;p
sabby, thank u from the bottom of my heart for sharing...i baru je consider nak ambik mereka berdua yang hangat diperkatakan kat sini siap email for quotation lagi. This entry came in just the very perfect time!
i pernah terkena ngan org yang sama, as you sab, dia kasar and sgt kurang ajar to me. after i sakit hati, i terus cari org yg lain as my engagement planner. =P
cyra: thanks for the info...
diah: nope...no explanation..even though i'm pretty sure she has read this thread...
zyla: oh...i hope you find a decorator that suits you most...and make sure none of us gets cheated by them..
aku: mahshaAllah, thank you so much dear for sharing...at least i know its not me alone that went through it...
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