1-2cups of rice
Ayam ( I use 3 antibiotic free chicken fillet)
Halia sebesar ibu jari
1 bawang merah kecil
4 bawang putih
1 dessert spoon lada hitam ( the bulat2 ones)
CArrot dipotong kecil
1 tablespoon olive oil
Garam secukup rasa.
Daun bawang n bawang goreng (garnish)
1. Masukkan nasi, air, ayam, carrot , garam Dan lada hitam dalam pot. Boil them together for about 20 mins.
2. Take out the chicken once the chicken stock dah keluar
3. Tumis the bawang merah n bawang putih with olive oil..masukkan the ayam...
4. When the ayam dah masak, put it back in the bubur. Boil till preferred texture.
5. Garnish the bubur with daun bawang n bawang goreng.
My baby likes it abit keras, so I keringkan the bubur extra
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