My Wedding

Sunday, September 11, 2011

viral fever...

baby boy had very bad demam hari tu, i saw a few doctors, because time raya mmg susah nak cari pead...finally after 4 days demam, we decided to bring him to the hospital, n he got admitted due to dehydration...he tak nak minum at all....

on the 2nd day at the hospital, finally doctor diagnose him with roseola virus...hmmm i wonder who jangkitkan to him...personal advice: please try not to kiss kiss any babies kalau tak sihat..kesian baby jangkit nanti...

alhamdulillah 3 days later he got aloooot better...he started bfeeding again..alhamdulillah...

because dia tak breastfeed for 3 days, my susu production terus drop, like by the 3rd day, mmg i sedar i disnt have any milk, pump pun 1oz je keluar.....ya Allah , i panic for a while...coz everytime my baby boy minum, he will cry n marah coz tak cukup to tambakhan susu i did the one thing  i knew would help me....drink alot  and eat alot 3 days later, alhamdulillah my milk production is back to mothers out there..dont give up breastfeeding...even when tak cukup, just eat more, n drink more, inshaAllah susu akan cukup...and make sure baby latch on...

Friday, September 2, 2011


Finally i have a facebook page for my blog...

do add me here...ive been wanting to update with more stories, but dgn dukacita, bila i share something in blog, somehow ada org  yang akan terasa/sakit hati/ marah and comment some very inappropriate things....