Rasulullah SAW said, "When a person commits illegal sexual intercourse, he is not a believer at the time of committing it; and if he steals, he is not a believer at the time of stealing; and if he drinks an alcoholic drink, when he is not a believer at the time of drinking it;." I asked Ibn Abbas, "How is faith taken away from him?" He said, Like this," by clasping his hands and then separating them, and added, "But if he repents, faith returns to him like this," by clasping his hands again.
Many have asked about the flowers that i bought from Ara damansara here it is...The owner Daisy Law was very friendly...i went here instead of petaling street sebab parking dekatsini easier and i live near by, and bezahargadiasikitje...still very murah if you want to compare it with a normal florist...
House of Petals & Decor C-G-11A, Ground Floor, Block C, No.8, JalanPJU 1A/20B, Dataran Ara Damansara, 47301 PetalingJaya, SelangorDarulEhsan.
In Feb 2009 Alhamdulillah we manage to book Dewan Cattleya Shah Alam official wedding hall for 11Th July 2009....We booked Kak Sai as the makeup artist, though Kak Sai did warn us that she is bonded with Brunei's royalty wife so should the Royalty call she has to cancel on us, but she will send a replacement...
On 10th July she called and said she won't be able to make it due to her bond, so she sent her assistant Liza as a replacement...which MashaAllah turned out really well coz she did an amazing job..
I read through the whole article and found out that Kak Sai did her makeup...hmmm...and i checked the time (please view her invitation) it started the same time as my brothers wedding which is 11th July 2009 at 2.30pm....
now we have booked her since as off March 2009....and elyanas engagement date was set during her merisik which is 11th April 2009....It was us that locked the date first correct?....so did Kak Sai bailed on us because of her Brunei royalty as she had earlier mention or Elyana's egagement?? could it be that she sent a representative so she can work on a more famous person? I think we all know the answer to that...hmm...is this what we call professionalism?? good work ethics? U all be the judge..I'm just here to share...
Perhaps she has a better explanation and i shouldn't assume the worst...i truly hope that's the case...Because i have always admired her work...
Di ambang Syawal
Salam semua,
Dah mula cuti ke tu?
Dah sampai kampung?
Kitonyo masih setia bekerja.
Kampung pun, nurtizen kata, kalau tak sampai sejam dah sampai kampung...
Test test 1, 2, 3!
Assalammualaikum 🤭Masih ada ke yang menunggu update dari blog aku ni?Masih
relevan ke menulis blog?Masih ade ke yang membaca?Test test 1, 2, 3? Ada
orang ...
Loss weight lepas pantang??
Hi guys!! Gitu opening macam bdk2 youtube tauuu...hahahaa
Dah lunch ke tu??
Well hari saja nak tepek mat blog sendiri my weight loss lepas bersalin
Travelouge - Fes, Morocco
saya suka dgn Fes el Bali. suka sgt! walaupun cik hubby tak berapa suka and
ramai org tak suka, tapi saya tetap sukakan Fes. paling suka sbb old
townnya b...
Salam Aidilfitri 2018
Assalammualaikum WBT.
Salam Syawal 1439H.
Maaf jika ada hasil tulisan di blog ini yang mengguris rasa dan tak kena
Harap tak berkecil hati dan su...
Birth Story Episode 1 & 2 : A Major Throwback
after years of silent..tiba2 nak buat major throwback kan.. hahaha. hentam!
episode terbaru seakrang dah masuk episode 3.
so ni episode 1...
Random post.
It has been sooooo long ago since my last post.
here's what happened for the past 4 years.
- my 2nd child will be 3 this year. And pla...
Maxis Scholarship Interview
So, after about a week of submitting the video (here), I received an email
for an online interview. It was so nerve-wracking I put it to the very last
Bila nak kena hadap tol
When Government announced LPT 2 dah nak start buat kutipan toll starting
15th July, I'm a bit down. Down sangat. Sampai menangis. *Very the drama,
you see....
New Wedding Invitations!
Introducing our fresh wedding invitations! Cards come in these quantities:
100pc, 200pc, 300pc, 500pc and 1k pcs.
Size: 182mm x 110mm
Material: 260gsm art c...
hai semua, lately ni banyak sgt encounter dengan benda2 yang buat saya rasa
bersyukur sangat. kalau sebelum ni, rasa, saya lah yang paling susah,
rupa2nya ...
Suddenly rasa nak blog about my pregnancy. I am already di penghujung 6
1hb ni dah 7 bulan genap insyaAllah.
So, since I don't write about my pregna...
Its our cloud nine
*Many people asked me. How did you do that?*
Doing PhD with little babies.
I need to stop, think and digest. Melalui kesukaran itu bukanlah sesuatu
Perbualan Mak dan Anak Bujang.
Hari Ahad haritu aku keluar dengan Umar. Konon nak carikan baju sekolah dia
lagi. Aku kan ceritanya nak belikan terus 5 pasang baju sekolah dia
termasuk se...
Day 2 and Day 3 at Kindie
Day 2
Yeay! Arfan made it through the kindie gate without crying.
He took off his shoes and bag and put in on the rack in front of the door.
Last Day
1 Disember ni Ilyas transit kat Tadika Vonad, persediaan sebelum kelas
sebenar utk bagi dia rasa selesa n familiar dulu. Plan nak order food la
utk taska...
Reveiw - Agen SBOBET Terpercaya dan Resmi
Admin Cahaya Bisikan, sejalan dengan perkembangan jaman dan perkembangan
umat manusia yang ada di dunia ini. Sebuah pertemuan arti nya sebuah jodoh.
Jika a...
Semenjak Ketinggalan mu..
Lama..Bertahun.. Kembali mengarang rasa kekok pulak. Rindu zaman aktif
Sekarang, masa itu ada,tapi tak bijak memanfaatkan. Tak cerdik
hungry bear, bukit beruang melaka
last week aku ada ajak laki aku p makan kat luar
dah semedang je asyik masak
nak jugak makan makan kat luar kan
so cadangan makan kali ini adalah di HUNGRY B...
Naelofarhijab_byleonora in MODEMARKETMALAYSIA!
Salaam and Hi Naelofarhijab lovers,
Finally... after nearly a year as a #NHauthorizedstockist, finally we have
our own 'spot' of physical store at KL city ...
Ya Allah lamanya menyepi!
mood berblogging dah ke laut..tengok mommies yg lain masih
bersemangat..apakan daya,masa sgt mencemburui diri ku..hehe
Qasyaf sudah berkhatan part 2
Cheehhh ada part 2 pulak.
Ye la.
Penat tau nak taip.
Mementum seorang blogger dah lari banyak neh.
K kita sambung ek.
Pagi tu, Arjuna nampak mcm cool je. Ta...
Working Motherhood.
Gosh, I have left this blog idle for the longest time ever. Lucky guess on
the hiatus?
"Working motherhood", if there is ever such a term.
Birthday Preparation: Part 1
Okay. Don't ask me why I disappeared. I know it's been almost 3 years. But
the reason is so cliche, I am busy. Haha. And please bear with me since I'm ...
Welcome to the blog!
Welcome to the Daniel Zain Photography blog. To view my professional work,
please click on the 'categories' section on the right.
For bookings in Malaysia ...
Thoughts just thoughts…
A lot of things on my mind lately. A lot of thoughts resurfacing. Over a
lot of things happening. Going to embark on something big. Hopefully, God
grant me...
Fashion Styles: Blouse
If you have been following me on this blog, you’d probably know that I’m
such a girly girl. I just love being a girl. Seriously, what’s not to love?
We hav...
2014.. After so many years..im back!!!
Hi. After so long I wanted to blog again..and then I found out that I
forgot the password and couldn't even remember the phone number I have used
to set up...
Make It Simple & Short
Blog dah nyawa-nyawa ikan… Sedih nak biarkan saja macam ni… Stumble to this
blog http://www.pinksugarland.com/ It gives me an inspiration to update my
hello korang...
yeah u read it right. akak dah resign dah kat company sekarang ni . 26/5 ni
last day kat sini. lepas tu akak start kerja baru mid June.
cara rancang kehamilan
Lately selalu google pasal baby planning. In sha Allah, kalau ada rezeki
lagi kan. why not, reyhana baby pun dah 2 tahun lebih and most of the time
dia lon...
[Sheikh In Town] Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
We'd like to give a warm welcome back to our beloved brother Hamza Tzortzis,
in our newly revamped series 'S...
An end of a chapter
This is goodbye.
I have finally decided to close the chapter on "The Spasmodic Scribbler"
for now.
It was a long battle, fighting against my own will to...
80% Baiti Jannati
Assalammualaikum wbt. Selamat hari selasa, selamat bekerja, dan blog
hopping juga.
Ehem..introducing our place soon-to-be-called home...
Time ni capt...
Planning For Wedding Activities On Outdoor
If you are having your wedding reception out of doors, that opens the door
for many activities that would be hard to pull off indoors. You can plan
games a...
Kelantan Princess wedding dress
Assalamualaikum..my apologies for not blogging for what seems like ages!
Anyhow I just needed to blog about Kelantan Princess, Tengku Amalin Aishah
Budak Blog...
Budak Blog
ko rindu aku tak?
aku rindu ko la budak blog
lama dah aku tak dating ngan ko kan
banyak aku nak cite ngan ko
sampai aku tak tau nak start dari...
Allah knows best
It's nearing June 2013, almost 1 1/2 years of marriage life Alhamdulillah.
Meaning that I have been neglecting this blog for more than 1 1/2 years
now. Wel...
I had my Instagram account zillionth months ago..but never had it open to
public. When I first discovered it, Instagram was not as big a hit as what
it is ...
*Hello,I am very sorry i have to decline some emcee jobs in March and
April.Selagi tak selesai GE, i tak berani nak amik bookings.Jadi siapa ya...
Hidup Umpama Roda
Hidup umpama roda.
Sekejap kita kat atas, sekejap kita kat bawah.
Bila kita kat atas, tak boleh la kita rasa terlalu selesa sebab mungkin
dalam sekelip mata...
lets be more organised.
salam everyone..
for the past few years..this has been one of my new years resolution..
to be more organised..
but i still failed..
however, i have found fe...
Home-Made Pavlova with Love
i am helping my dear friend, promoting her home-made pavlova with love.
okeh, ini menambah² nama bagi namapk umphhh! Cuk, aku nak komisyen 15% &
free pavlo...
Wedding Photographer
*Sticky Post*
Just wanna share with all b2b out there...
This photog just recently announced a special offer for their services. The
team is called Weddi...
Let's exchange link!
Salam all,
I think kan my blog nie mcm hidup segan mati tak mahu dah.. cukup syarat
jer nak update..itu pun ikut mood. I think nak make up baru.. hihi..
Sorry that lately my page was overloaded with sale items. Promise that i'll
update other stuffs soooon.
Meanwhile, some stuffs purchased from our trip now ...
Cinematography by FD 2 Production
Assalamualaikum & Haluuuu semua
Lamenye laaaa hai tak terupdet blog ni..
ade lagi ke yg ingat and nak jenguk blog ni
(ampunkan tuan blog, lame sgt menyepi t...
What People Don't Talk About
Miscarriage. A word that people tend to tiptoe around whenever they hear
it. For me, it started on a Tuesday afternoon. It was my first ever scan at
12 wee...
#146 self esteem anyone?
I weigh around 50kilos before I got pregnant and once I knew I was pregnant
.. I ate every single thing that I want. Until the 40thweek .. I weigh
around 6...
We're Back!
It has been much too long since our last post. We were terrible to have
left this blog the whole of 2011 and we apologize for it. This year, we'll
be bri...
Errr, hello..?
I just wanna say that I miss blogging!
Honestly I do!!!
I miss blog hopping!
I miss communicating with blogger friends!
Kamilia, ...
soo long….
dear everyone who is reading this blog.. i just realized i didnt update
this blog for a long time… hehe being a medical doctor n new mom makes it
even hard...
Pelamin Ideas
Previously i keep posting about wedding reception etc..but today i think i
wanna share some ideas for pelamin...some fresh ideas from Malaysian
ticker kt seblah says 0 days till our wedding. weeeeee~
at this moment, im waiting for my makeup artist cum decorator to come over
and do the flowers.
I've been TAGGED!
I was tagged by Mrs-Bride/Anita.Agak pening la nak jwb tp fun!
Do the "Letter MEME". Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a
comment, info...