Friday, February 25, 2011

34 weeks....

Alhamdulillah i'm in my 34th week...

just met with the doctor today, and alhamdulillah baby around 2.3kgs...+-300grams....

tapi baby belum pusing lagi, head still kat atas and kaki kat bawah...I'm hoping, inshaAllah baby will turn soon...must make loads of doa inshaAllah...

oh btw this is my baby bump at 33 got smaller kan?? my water retention alhamdulillah dah a lot less now...everyone stomach membesar, mine face also tak buulat as bad as when i was 6 months..alhamdulillah..i"m so happy mashaAllah....

another amazing news brother's wife, just gave birth to a baby girl...I'm soooo excited..hehee...another new addition to our family alhamdulillah....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

1 year anniversary


today marks a year, that I've been's been an amazing journey mashaAllah....inshaAllah I doa for more amazing years to come and for Allah swt to bless our marriage with baraqah, happiness and good health...ameen....