Sunday, February 28, 2010


Firstly i want to say Alhamdulillah for my nikah..mashaAllah everything went pleasantly...I'm just so happy..

also i want to give loads and loads of gratitude to all the bloggers that came..mashaAllah i was so shocked to see so many of you all there..thank you sooooooo much for coming...i can't thank enough...

Me and habib just got back from our beautiful honeymoon at krabi..mashaAllah..we had an amazing holiday, i would def do a few entries on the honeymoon first...

Alhamdulillah since everything went well, alhmadulillah from my very pleasant nikah experience, all of the vendors i took is fully reccomended..alhamdulillah..hehehe...

quick update for now..i will elaborate on them asap.

p/s:if you have any questions on vendors kindly email me...I'm more then willing to share my experience

Friday, February 19, 2010

a day before...

hehehe..i'm still updating..i know i'm not suppose to right??...but i tak buat function kat rumah... outsource everything, so now i full of ALOT mental stress, but sikit physicall stress...heheheh....

yesterday i had to panically find 2 makeup artist, for my sisters and bridesmaids total 6 girls...usually every wedding i will do makeup my family, but this time since i can't, we decided to take makeup artist..

call here phone here and sms there..finally ada 2 makeup yg available and within the budget, alhamdulillah.i truly hope they do an amazing job, inshaAllah there will be 3 makeu artist at my house esok pagi..hehehe...

pagi tadi i went to pick up my hantaran at merisik Gallery..MashaAllah..I LOVE IT SOOOO is betul2 what i had in mind..serious my highlight of today is my girls i can truly say,if u are loking for hantaran maker + decorator, call MG sisters terus..

at 11am tadi, the auntie inai cap inai at fingers is sooo merah now, alhmadulillah... but the henna drawing is not yet terang , hope fully inshaAllah by tmrw it will be lagi merah...this time 3 of my family members did henna as well...the auntie do very fast, she finished all 4 of us within 2 hours..senang kan...

everybody has been asking me, how do i feel right now?

to be honest, i still don't feel anything yet, but i can tell you, sure i will panic a bit esok..I'm always like that at the last minute..

now im waiting for 2 of my pengapit to come over...till then girls..

c you all tmrw....



Monday, February 15, 2010

How we met...

I've been meaning to write the entry from beginning itself but i never had the finally i'm forcing my self to do it now!!!!

ok it was early 2007, I just got back from a great holiday with my girlfriends to langkawi..oh btw, if u guys want a simple holiday please stay at malibest, pantai cenang..i love that place..ok back to my story, I had dinner with one of my very close guy friend back then ROD...

So me & rod, and my 2 bridesmaids went for dinner in hartamas...and i complained to Rod, "omg i've been single for so long, u have so many guy friends, introduce la me to one of them".
I swear Rod knows a WHOLE load of guys here.... And Rod, was like...why sabby? And i told him.."i'm lonely, i hate that i go through life everyday having nobody special to share it with, apart from my friends and family of course" but having a partner is different...U guys know the difference right...hehehe...anyway..he was reluctant at first, for a reason that I can't seem to remember at finally after i pujuk him for a while, he took out his phone...he was like" ok which guy do u want"?? i was like "what you want me to choose now?" he said " ya lah"..and do you guys want to know what rod did next?

He opened his picture file in the phone and started flipping pictures like a catalog, and showed me some of his guy friends..hehehe.OMG it was sooo girls was just laughing like crazy, and had a great time criticising on the many guy's picture wesaw in his phone...i was so malu at that time though..secretly....

Rod was like "come one sabby, just choose 1...and then i told him" i want a nice guy, no more bad boys,just a decent boy and he cannot smoke" he said.."hmmm non smoker...ohhh ok i have one for like pretty boys kan?" we all just laughed...So he showed a picture of himself with habib, who just got back from perhentian(oh ya perhentian is fav island), while we were in langkawi.."hmm so he likes beaches too" rod said "yup just like you" and then i said, "OK hook us up" the conversation ended here..

All of us had our dinner...and then after dinner rod was like " sabby, he is here already" i was like WHAT?? today ke, are U serious, are you insane?? i was SOOOO not dressed, and i wasn't prepared to meet him..Rod was like, " ok too late he is here already"..urgh i was soo angry and nervous..and there he was walking towards our table .....Love at first sight?????.......

hmmm...yeah right

Habib came with like 5 people at the there was like 10 people at our table..Me and habib, didn't say a word the whole night..he sat sooo far..and me and my girls, were giggling quietly and said, ok this guy is soooo not my type....

so a few weeks went by..and habib was completely off my mind..even the next day i dah lupa, coz i knew he was not my type...Habib was so berisi..and i was petite...i was only 44kgs at the time, and i was very mean..i never went out with Big guys...

one day, i got a call, it was habib...we finally spoke for the first we were chitchatting...and i thought in my mind, oh crap...The more i talked to him the more i know he is not my type...

so a few days went by, he started calling me more often, sadly we still didn't have much connection......I was a working girl who was looking for stability in a decent guy after my worst relationship breakup, wheras habib was still studying, looking for just a steady...we were at different places in life...

It was one fine day, when habib called and asked me out...I was really trying to avoid it...but he was so he made a deal with me " we go out on 1 date, if still no connection, then thats it" and I finally agreed...

our first date was at Curve...We had tea at Winter warmers...oh ya it was the first time we spoke face to face...Guess what...I actually had soooo much fun.after that we went out again....and again...

and again...heehehe

..after a few more outings...we put the whole life issue aside and decided to just hang out for fun, " we both agreed to a "nothing serious" relationship..

yeah right..coz its 2010 and InshaAllah in 4 days, he is going to be my husband...

the couple of years, has been the most difficult years of my life..when i first met habib, i was a selfish girl, who only cared about my reputation, who i hung out with and my looks...shallow kan?

He sorta change me a little in that sence...made me less shallow then i use to be...through think and thin, habib was there the whole time....through every drastic life changing decisions, pmses, through every bad emotions, my dear habib still stuck by me.

oh do you guys want to know something...even when habib first met me, he had the intentions to change me..jahatkan, so much for accepting me for who I am..

But Alhamdulillah, after a few bad incidents in my life.. Allah SWT gaven me hidayah to move to a better live a life which has meanings to it...for the first 23 years of my life, i never knew the answer to what is my purpose of living in the world...
Its funny how i finaly found the answer.and the answer is sooo simple..Something that we have been thought since answer as simple as being a Muslim...Ohh I will get to that chapter one day..on what I mean as just being a Muslim..there is a much deeper meaning to it, than what has been thought to us in school...



Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day...

I found this article which i Think might be usefull for all Muslims out there, I only quoted parts of it......

Menurut sejarah, ada beberapa kisah berkaitan asal usul sambutan Hari 'Valentine' ini.

Sebelum abad ke-17 masihi, masyarakat Rom meraikan Hari 'Valentine' pada 14 Februari setiap tahun sebagai hari mencintai tuhan atau patung pujaan mereka. Dalam sambutan itu, mereka mengorbankan anjing dan kambing betina, kemudian darahnya dilumur pada tubuh dua orang pemuda. Tubuh yang berlumuran darah itu dibasuh pula dengan susu sebelum diarak ke tengah-tengah Kota Rom.

Ketika perarakan berlangsung, pemuda itu memegang kulit anjing dan kambing betina yang masih berdarah dan memalit darah berkenaan kepada sesiapa saja yang mereka jumpa. Gadis-gadis Rom amat gembira jika mereka dipalit darah oleh pemuda terbabit, kerana mereka percaya darah itu dapat menghalang mereka daripada menjadi mandul.

'Valentine' adalah paderi paling berpengaruh pada zaman pemerintahan Ratu Isabella dari Sepanyol. Kedudukannya dikatakan di tempat kedua selepas Paderi besar Pope. Ada beberapa kisah mengaitkan paderi Valentine ini dengan sambutan Hari 'Valentine'. Antaranya ialah paderi itu orang penting ditugaskan menjatuhkan Kerajaan Islam Cordova, Sepanyol.

Jasanya adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh dilupakan dan sangat bermakna. Sehubungan itu, tarikh 14 Februari diputuskan sebagai cuti umum untuk merayakan kemenangan pada setiap tahun. Hal ini juga sebagai cara untuk mengenang semua jasa paderi Valentine itu dalam usahanya untuk menjatuhkan Islam .

Kesimpulannya, sebagai umat Islam kita wajib menghindari daripada mengamalkan budaya menyambut Hari Valentine. Ini kerana ia jelas bertentangan dengan syariat Islam selain dikhuatiri boleh menjejaskan akidah dan keimanan kita. Ingatlah, kesucian Islam akan dapat dipertahankan selagi umat Islam berpegang kuat dengan akidah Islam.


Please remind our brothers and sisters.



Tuesday, February 9, 2010


just read diah's entry saying she regret not writing more about her wedding prep..i realise I should get my lazy fingers to update more often, esp these last few days...

Nikah legal stuff:
Ok i'm suppose to call the imam next week to remind him..hehehe

Did u guys know that I'll be having a joint reception with my sis in July???..oh I'm so excited, i know it sounds weird but me and my sis have been wanting a joined wedding since a few years ago, we have always planned our reception together, and Alhamdulillah somehow my circumstances has worked out well for us...
sure ramai say what about our own personal wedding vision?? well its simple, we plan our dream wedding during our me and her still get our own dream wedding, and then the reception, we inshaAllah will do it according to what we have been planning the last few years ...

Outfit :
I actually just picked it up last week...I love the baju soo much..its so sweet...but the veil..Its also so pretty...but .hmmm..well i'm a very simple person kan?? when i told my designer i wont be wearing a crown, terus he made me a heavier beaded veil, then i initially wanted..hehe...the veil is sgt cantik...but because I'm wearing it during nikah, i takut its too much..
everyone in my family says its NOT though, and that i'm just paranoid...heheheh... maybe i am..

I finally finished doing them, i buat soooorang k...but i can't be mad at any of my sisters...everyone is sooo busy...our house lately non-stop new things about changes...

I'm so freaked out because i belum hantar my barang hantaran to MG, but I don't want kacau them till Amys wedding selesai..hehehe...sempat right?? its only a few more days to go...

U know, i decided not to do ANY spa, everyone close has advice me to stay away, sbb my skin so sensitive, takut it will somehow react..i also redha je with the situation...Allah SWT always test us...this is my biggest dugaan/test in life i guess...not the spa, the skin part.ehehe...

Sign boards:
From my previous experience in wedding prep , there are 2 things yg we all always stress last minute, signboard and this time i learn my lesson, i habis kan sign board by this week...hehhee..its done, It so big and clear, i hope everyone can see..i choose the most obvious colour, White and red..bunga manggar in Blue....its so simple, not cantik also, but I wanted it to be more practical then anything...

I actually booked the trip a few months ago, but instead of 6 days, i book for 5 days I emailed them straight, to make sure the bookings is for 6 days..there is no way, i can kurangkan the days now, because we have confirmed our flight even earlier than that... but Alhamdulilllah everything is good, I also have e-mailed them the flight details, so they can pick us up from the airport straight...



Monday, February 8, 2010

My Wedding Documentary

I dah kena marah by my dear b2b friend today coz i haven't been updating my we both were discussing just now about videographers...

Videographers in Malaysia, sadly the choices are not as much as photographers...But there are some pretty great ones out there...

Of course my option 1 would be manggis, because they did an awesome job mashaAllah for my sisters wedding...i teared up when i watch the nikah, on top of that, the song selection was pretty amazing...

So yes, i called them straight, but sadly, I couldn't afford was way beyond our new budget...

yup kan we dah exceed budget sooooo many times, finally the last 3 months me and habib has been very discipline with the budget..hehehe...

Option 2: was shutterspeak...hmm not bad the price, just slightly cheaper than manggis, but At least cheaper right...i so looove the nikah video at villamay, just lovely..

Option 3: was suggested by my fellow school mate, called XX...I was not so keen because they are baru, and I'm sooo fussy......

Option 4: was shahrin aziz, he gave us a pretty good price...i have to say it was the most reasonable among all 4....

oh ya nurul & suhaimi was def NOT in my list, because a family member took them for their wedding last year in MID 2009 and GUESS WHAT?? gambar and video IS STILL NOT READY..satu keping gambar pun we haven't seen and its like what, FEB 2010 now...yeah its been more than 7 months now...

I know there are a few big timers out there like CST and dina wedding,yeah like manggis, can't afford them...

anyway back to my story,1st choice of course is too mahal.....4th guy is an amazing photographer, but videography, he himself admitted its still RTM standard..ehehehe...

so i was pretty set on my 2nd option...

until i met my 3rd option

Me and habib met with him last....and OMG i fell in was what i was looking for, def not RTM standard and the best part, it was just well within our budget....after meeting them, in the car itself excitedly I asked habib what he thought about them?? of course in my heart i really wanted him to love it...

and he said YES, ahhh finally after our very long search ..i swear this was the hardest decision to make...

so yes announcing our official videographer InshaAllah....

p/s: its the xx and their beautiful wedding that caught my eye...he showed me the full the editing...

oh btw XX, if your reading this, yes i have very high expectations, and i want my nikah video to be really sweet inshaAllah...



p/s: Updated June 2010--> due to recent events i had to hide the name of my videographer.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rizman Ruzaini

Ohh ladies..thank you thank you..hehehe...

today is one of my happiest day....
i just picked up my baju from our designer, and is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty...

the most beautiful baju i've ever worn and owned...--> in my eyes of course...

it is the sweetest..

so u guys out there, if you are looking for a designer, serious i recommend Rizman and Ruzaini 100%....

p/s: i know I'm cheating, its the same teaser pic as last time..but i want to surprise..hehehe...ohh I'm so happy alhamdulillah....